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It was a weekend night, they were all in the living room watching tv. I had just finished putting the kids all in their beds.

Since I hadn't had the time of day to do a pregnancy test like how I wanted to in the afternoon I decided to do it now while I had to pee really bad.

I stopped the timer when the five minutes were up and went to look at the test seeing the lines that said I was pregnant. I held onto it while running down the stairs to where they all were. They all looked at me curious as to why I was running to them.

"I'm—-pregnant." I said trying to catch my breath and holding the test to them. San jumped up first reaching for it and reading it before bringing me for a hug and spinning me around.

After had asking them for another baby to try for a girl. They all agreed to give me what I wanted. They then played rock paper scissors to see who was the final person. It had came down to San and Hongjoong making it a tie until San won. We had asked Dr. Song if there was ways to help us conceive a girl and she helped the best way that she could. The others gathered around giving me hugs and welcoming the new addition with their own tradition.

Weeks passed, it was the day before the appointment where we see if it's a boy or a girl. I was stretched out across San and Hongjoong while Seonghwa and Yunho were getting the kids ready for bath and bed. Wooyoung and Mingi were finishing the kitchen and Jongho was taking out the trash since he cleaned the dining room as the other two worked on the dishes. Yeosang was on the other couch playing a game on his phone.

Jongho was the first to join us followed by Wooyoung and Mingi leaving Seonghwa and Yunho last to join. There was nothing but silence between us until I broke it.

"Let's make a bet."


"What the gender is going to be. I say a girl." I said smiling and rubbing my cute baby bump.

"Boy." San said with others agreeing with him. I frowned at them all because not one of them bet aside me that it was a girl.

"Fine. All of you can bet on a boy but if it's a girl, Hongjoong has to dye his hair." I crossed my arms and poured.

"Why am I the only one dying my hair?"

"Cause you're the leader." Yeosang said which the others also agreed.

"No, if I have to dye my hair, you all have to dye yours as well." He said putting his foot down making them all groan. He turned to me. "And if it's a boy you have to dye your hair as well."

"Okay deal. Losers have to dye their hair." I smiled hoping I was going to win.

I was nervously fidgeting while San and I waited for Dr. Song. I looked around the room. "In a strange feeling, I'm going to miss this place."

"Probably not if you don't get your girl you want."

"Have you picked a color you want to do for your hair?" I asked him.


"Hmm you should do blonde."

"Is that what you want to see me in?" He smirked. Which I nodded. "What about the others?"

"Yeosang should do a coral blue. I wanna see Hongjoong in a split of half black and half white blonde. Mingi brown with blonde undertone parts, and the others all black."

"I think you should do red." San said picking a color for me as I had for him and the others.

Dr. Song had came in and went through the process. I was smiling at the screen hoping this one last time being pregnant would be a girl.

"Congratulations you have a healthy baby girl." Dr. Song said.

"You said a—"

"A girl. You're having a girl." Dr. Song said again but San was too shocked to comprehend. I squealed in excitement. Ready to get home to tell the others.

When she cleaned me off, we stepped to the counter to set up another check up appointment. Once we got in the car, San drove to a restaurant so we could eat and have a little time together before heading home.

When we got home, I was surprised by that all of their hair matched what I said I wanted them to have. The split on Hongjoong was dangerous because I was ready to hit the bedroom with him and let him have his way with me.

"It's Sannie and sweetheart time to get a new look. Seonghwa took both of us into his bathroom and started bleaching San and my hair. After rinsing the bleach from mine, Seonghwa started to put the red in. And when it was all done I was completely in love with it as I was with San blonde hair.

The Mafia Queen (Ateez Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant