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A lot had happened in the weeks. I finally hit my seven month of being pregnant. Both my mom and dads went to the principals office to discuss the situation of my education. We had a family talk about it. I asked them if they could help me get into a faster pace course so I could get my diploma before the end of my first semester of my last year of school.

I wanted to get a much headed start before the twins were going to be born. The principal agreed to let me study lessons that is being teached for the rest of the year and I would take a big exam to see if I passed for the year.

Which I studied my ass off for a full two weeks before taking the exam which I passed with flying colors. It was the week after that exam a teacher was assigned to come to the house to tutor me on courses that I would be taking for my last year.

Leon didn't have to worry about it because he had already planned to take two year classes this junior year so he was getting ready to graduate in March, five months to go.

I opened the door of Uncle Chan restaurant. I wanted to surprise Leon with a visit at work and not only that Chaehyun wanted to meet up with me about something.

I was greeted by the host manager and Uncle Chris himself. He gave me a warm smile, opening his arms to pull me into a bear hug. "You look so grown. How have you been doing?" He asked pulling away a bit and looking down at me.

"I've been doing good, I'm ready for my twins to get here. Only a month to go. Is Chaehyun here yet? She asked me to meet her here." I asked to see if my friend, his daughter was here yet.

He shook his head no. "I haven't seen her yet. When I do I'll send her to your guys usual spot in the restaurant. Leon should be cleaning off tables if you want to see him for a bit." He said, giving me a bright smile. I nod, stepping around him and the host stand. He and his host manager went back to what they were doing before I entered. I looked around the room that had multiple tables and chairs. I found a familiar silhouette hovering over a table, clearing it off. I smiled happily, making my way to him.

I couldn't help but laugh when he jumped at me tickling his waist. He gave me an unamused look before smiling at me.

"Well this is a first? What brings my lovely girlfriend here at my job?" He asked me, pulling me towards him so he could peck my lips for a hello kiss.

I kept my arms wrapped around his neck as he kept his hands on my waist. I looked up at him with a smile, feeling safe and happy in his arms. "Well I missed you so much that I had to come see you. Also Chaehyun wants to talk to me about something. I have no clue what about though."

"Do I get to know the gossip later?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows up and down in a teasing manner.

"Maybe if it's worth the sharing. I mostly like to keep what the girls tell me to myself. I'm good at keeping their secrets unlike my brothers because I want them to get in trouble with mom and dads."

Leon nodded, understanding that what needs to stay private stays private. "Understand, I hope everything is alright. Yechan is worried because she's been distant with him."

"Whatever it is, I know she will work through it. I'll try to advise her the best I can. I'm no relationship expert but I know she will listen to what I have to share and think of what she needs to do." I told him. He pulled forward, letting his lips touch my forehead. Leaving a sweet peck there.

"No PDA in my restaurant Leon!" Uncle Chris yelled causing both of us to separate from each other and look at him. He gave Leon a look that said get back to working. Leon pouted, which made me laugh at him. I kissed his cheek and let him get back to work while grumbling underneath his breath about how unfair it was.

I went to the table where us girls usually use when we come to uncle Chris's restaurant to hang out. Chaehyun was already there with her phone in her hand, texting away.

"Boo!" I said in her ear, making her roll her eyes. I knew she saw me coming. Our uncles taught her and her sister very well on how to use their sniper skills. That means hearing other people's quiet footsteps.

I pulled the chair out from underneath the table and awkwardly tried to sit down in it. "How long until you're ready to give birth?" She asked chuckling at me while she watched how I sat down.

"Another month, when I'm eight months. I'm hoping I can reach to nine months but that's pushing it is what Dr. Song says. She thinks because I'm so young that my blood pressure will get too high that I'll have to deliver early. Or my blood pressure won't get high and my water will break early on its own. Did you order already?"

"Yes, I also went ahead and ordered for you as well since you always get the same thing."

"What if I wanted something different?" I teased her knowing well enough that I wanted my usual.

"Well that's too bad." She laughed and teased back. I laughed along with her.

"Any particular reason why you asked me to come here today?" I asked wanting to get straight to the point. I saw her body language shift to being nervous. I know because she chews on her nails when she's nervous. I reached out, letting my hand touch her arm so I could bring her hand down. "You don't have to tell me right away if you don't want to."

Trying to make her feel comfortable about what she had to share to me. At the moment our food came. The waiter placed each plate in front of us. Asked if we needed anything else before leaving again.

We both took a few bites of our lunch. I was mentally moaning at how good the food was. Chaehyun wiped her mouth with the napkin, took a sip of her drink and set it back down on the table.

"You know the guy next door to my house?" She asked. I knew who she was talking about because Uncle Chris forbids her and YoungEun to hang out with a pot head and I know Chaehyun hangs out with him behind Uncle Chris's back.

"I do. You hang out with him from time to time. What about him?" Not remembering his name but knowing who she is talking about.

"Well I went over to his place the other week, we started smoking a roll. We both got high and it led to hotter things that I should be doing with Yechan. I feel so bad for Yechan, I basically cheated on him. He doesn't deserve that or me." She choked the last part, tears rolling down her cheeks. Letting her make up get ruined.

"Chae, don't cry please." I tried comforting her. Clearly not sure what to do or say. "Maybe Yechan will forgive you or maybe he won't. Either way you need to tell him what happened Chaehyun. He deserves to know what happened even if it does hurt him." I advised her. Hoping it was the best I could give her. This wasn't in my forte, so how could I know any better.

I watched her pull herself together and nod. "You're right, he deserves to know what I've done even if it does hurt him and he doesn't want me anymore." She said wiping the tears away and going back to eating her food. I as well but was interrupted again by Chaehyun.

"Jiwoo, your twins are lucky to have you as their mom. They will be in good hands." She said giving me a soft smile.

"I sure hope so. I have no clue what I'll be doing but with the help of everyone around me and Leon. I'm hoping they turn out to be decent kids." I said with a laugh making her laugh with me. I knew at the moment that she was going to be okay. We continued on with our lunch, talking here and there. When I got home, I worked on homework until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I think it was one of my dads that found me asleep at the table with my text books scattered across the table. What I was really hoping it was Leon who brought me to bed since he was cuddling into me, letting me feel that safety net when I'm with him. This allowed me to fall back into a slumber again.

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