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Today is the day our little Yejun will make his entrance. My water had broke an hour ago, rushed to the hospital. I wanted to do another home birth but with some complications I had experienced during the pregnancy, Wooyoung and I thought it was best that I gave birth at the hospital.

Dr. Song had recommended a good shrink for me to talk too when the first complication had came that almost cost us Yejun. Dr. Im had diagnosed me with minor depression. He was trying to get me to come to terms that having Yejun wasn't the end of anything and that yes if I wanted another child all I had to do was talk to my lovers. I still haven't and it ate at me. They didn't know why I was depressed or why I wouldn't talk to them about what was wrong with me. I kept silence that caused arguments.

I remember like it was yesterday of how much I cried when Dr. Song told us we were having another boy.

She moved the wand around my stomach on top of the cold gel she had placed. All three of us stared at the small monitor screen looking for what we wanted. "Ah, right there." She pointed to where we needed to see. "You're having another baby boy." I felt a wave of sadness came flooding down. My eyes came to water real quick, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. I let out a choke sob because I had high hopes for a girl but I was let down. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to have another son who would be love unconditional but this broke me somehow and someway.

"Baby?" Wooyoung asked in concerned. His face expression showed it too. He was worried and wasn't sure what I needed from him to help me. Dr. Song didn't say anything, she just wiped the gel off my stomach. Pulled my shirt down and left the room to let us have a moment.

"What's wrong Baby?" He asked. I didn't want to say so I shook my head and wiped the tears away. When we got home, I had ignored all of them in the living room. I stopped and heard Wooyoung tell them that I cried when finding out the gender. Others asking questions that Wooyoung didn't have the answers too. I went to my room for peace and quiet. Hoping no one would bother me.

Dr. Song came in, putting on gloves and standing in front of me. She asked how I was doing while she checked on how far I was dilated. I told her as I felt a contraction coming again.

"We are ready to push." She said, paging the nurses that were going to help. Wooyoung held my hand while kissing my forehead. San was on my other side holding my hand too.

A group of nurses came in the room getting set up. Dr. Song was putting on her suit on for my delivery. Everyone got in their places holding my knees.

"Okay on the count of three YoonAh. 1...2...3." Dr. Song said and I pushed hard. I gave another push and three more times to Yejun came out. Wooyoung cut the umbilical cord and Dr. Song handed our son to the nurse who cleaned him off and brought him to me for a moment until I had to push the placenta out.

Hours later after being stitched up, cleaned up and had a nap. I was holding Yejun trying to burp him as he just finished eating. The door opened and the others came in. Kissing both of our foreheads and placing themselves around the room with Hongjoong in front of me, San on my right, Wooyoung on my left with Yunho next to him. Seonghwa was standing beside Hongjoong and the others were on the couch or chair that the room had.

Looking down at Yejun with all of them around made me start tearing up and sniffing.

"Bunny please tell us what's wrong? We want to know so we can help you. Your pregnancy with Yejun has been rough."

"We want to know what's wrong so we can support you the best way we can?" Seonghwa had finished Hongjoong's words. Which everyone agreed with their words. San was rubbing his hand on my back to sooth me. I had to tell them what I wanted or I would never be happy.

"I want another baby. I want to have a baby girl."

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