Chapter 24

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"Manik" I said

I think he understood that I wanted them to just leave so he got up

"Mr Murthy out with the truth now" manik yelled

"Fine, you are not our daughter and this is all crap. We did not miss you, hell why would we. You are just a burden but god that man aryamn is so in love with you and he will give her more money than what we are getting from this deal so just be a good human and get on with it. Leave that girl here, no one wants your dirty laundry"

"Get the fuck out of here" I screamed

I could tell they were intimidated

"Get out, you fucking injected me with shit, made me belvie I was raped and now you come here asking me to come back, fuck that and fuck you. I am not coming back, you can run that cheap ass out of here before I strangle ya'll" I said trying not to punch them

"Lower your fucking tone" my mother well fake mother yelled

"Oh hell to the no" I said walking towards her but manik grabbed me

"No jaan" he whispered kissing the back of my head

"Get them out of here please" I whispered

"Not before they apologize to you" Manik said

"What makes you think we will" my dad asked

"You will if you don't want to lose everything you have right now, and you know I am very capable of doing that" he said smirking

"We are sorry Nandini but it wasn't our fault that your parents died, we gave you a house which you are so ungrateful for"

"You know what, yes yes you gave me a roof over my head but you should have just let me. I would have been better on the streets or in an orphanage"

"We are so glad this is out, god. It was the best day of our life when you weren't there in the house" she said

"Oh ya? Well guess what I hope you rot in fucking hell. I hope your stupid fake ass weave gets pulled and you, I hope that shitty car of yours gets lit on fire" I yelled

"Arun" manik yelled

A man walked in

"Get them out of here" he said

within seconds both of them were kicked out, they were yelling and screaming but I didn't give a shit. I am done with this bullshit.

"Shit" I whispered falling on the floor tearing up

"Oh careful baby" he picked me up sitting with me on the couch

"I can't believe they don't give a shit"

"We don't need to worry about them anymore okay"

I shoved my face in his neck, he pulled me closer just kissing my head

this is so stupid, like why take me and adopt me if you don't want me, sure ya you want money but seriously why ruin a person's future like that.

"It's okay, it's over" he whispered

I held onto him for a long time, I needed him and his peace. I love him so much.

"They are so bad" I mumbled in his chest

"They are, I can have them be homeless within seconds"


"You sure because it won't even take effort Nandini"

"Manik if we do what they did then what's the difference"

"See this is why I love you so much. You are so freakng pure and innocent for that matter"

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