Chapter 14

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He went to put on clothes and I walked to the kitchen to see misha sitting on the table eating Nutella from the jar, from the freaking jar, her hands were dirty, her whole mouth had  Nutella on it

"Misha" I said and she jumped from the table but thankfully I was right there to catch her

"Mumma" she whispered nutella and some of her spit running down her chin

"What is this?" I asked

"Nutella" she says grinning

I pressed my lips together trying not to smile

"I can see that"

"Than why you ask" she said

"Because I told you to eat paranta not nutella"

"Oh you did" she asked

"Don't act smart with me Misha"

"I already smart" she said

I swear sometimes I wonder who acts like this

"No I need those now, and by now I mean now" I heard Manik who was on the phone

Yup that's exactly where she gets this side of hers, one month with Manik and she is his carbon copy not that mind but seriously

"Misha this is very bad"

"Mumma it is yummy" she said licking her lips

"I know but I could have made you some nutella cookies after if you wanted but breakfast is supposed to be healthy"

"Im sorry" she said

I sighed not liking the site of her being sad

"Its okay" she giggled hearing

"You are kidding me" I said glaring at her playfully

well was it really playfully, I suppose not but she kissed my cheek making me tickle her

"Papa" she screamed mid laughing

"Give me a second" I heard him say

I thought he meant to Misha but I was proven wrong when he walked over and kissed her cheek

"What is my pumpkin doing" he asked

"Mumma tickle me, sya her to stop"

He looked at me winking playfully, he picked up Misha setting her on her feet, as soon as she was on the ground this girl ran before I could grab her

Manik leaned closer to me making me close my eyes in anticipation, its something to do with his aura I guess

"Mumma stop tickling her" he whispered in my ear right before he kissed my cheek walking back to the couch

"Yes what was that" he asked on the phone

I bit my bottom lip trying not to blush but I knew I couldn't stop myself because his lips had curved up in a smirk

Shaking my head at myself, I walked in the room to find Misha washing her face.

"Would you like some help baby" I asked

"Yes please" she says

I helped her clean up and put her in a little frock of her favourite colour which changes a lot but the past month it has been red for some reason.


"Yes sweetie" I asked combing her hair

"Can we go to the park"

"Of course, lets get you some breakfast and then you and I can go"

"Papa" she asked

"Umm well papa may have some work so we might have to go alone"

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