Chapter 15

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"You little naughty girl, you sided with papa"

"I did not"

"You did too" she giggled hugging my legs

I picked her up sitting her on the table

"Papa say we going to park and work"

"Yes we are, you are going to behave like a good girl right"

"I always a good girl Mumma" she said with so much sass and attitude


"Girl" she repeated with the same tone I used

"I swear to god, you are so"

"Pretty yes I know" she said

"Aren't you acting like an adult"

"I know I adult, papa say I perfect like a princess"

"That he is right about" I said putting her in little braids

"Thank you Mumma" she said kissing my cheek

"Your welcome" I kissed her cheek back


"Yes darling"

"I happy because Mumma happy" she says such big things to me

"I am so glad baby, I am so happy that my Misha is happy"

"Papa say he and Misha will make you happy, super happy"

"You already do, and so does papa. You both make me so happy"

"Sachii" she asked

"Muchi monkey" I kissed her head

"What are my girls talking about" Manik said walking out in a suit

"Papa" she screamed like a sugar high kid

"Yes pumpkin"

"Mumma happy" she said

His eyes met mine making me smile

"I can see that pumpkin but what about my little princess" he asked picking her up

"I happy too"

"Good, should we get going" he asked

"Yes" Misha said before I could

She tugged on his pants to get I'm to put on her shoes

"Manik ill do it, you grab your laptop" I siad

"I don't need to, I have my office laptop there already" he said putting her shoes on

We got ready and headed out, i clocked up the house and then the three of us took the elevator down to the underground parking lot.

"Misha no" I said seeing her running but did she listen, no

"Breath a little its fine" he said

"She doesn't know your car"

"She does, I have taken her for ice cream"

"Oh I thought you guys walked"


We got to Manik's car and I was surprised to see a car seat in the back, as far as I know he doesn't have a kid so then why does he have a car seat

He picked up misha and strapped her in the seat, he then opened the door for me

"Come on" he whispered touching my lower back

"Thank you" I mumbled getting in

He got int he driving seat and took his phone out of his pocket putting it in the console in front. He opened the little compartment above the console and grabbed a sucker out of there

He moved his hand back and handed it to misha making her giggle and kick her little legs in happiness

"Pace yourself" I said knowing she will eat it super quick

"Okay Mumma" she said unwrapping it

as he started driving I couldn't help but feel this gush of happiness, a complete family, Manik and I's complete family

"Hey what's on your mind" Manik asked placing his hand on my thigh

"Mhmmm I don't know, I'm just happy, I like seeing how happy misha is and how you are this accepting"

"Accepting of what baby"

"Of everything, of me, of misha, of us. despite everything I told you, you not for once made calls to double check my story, instead you took me in your arms and embraced me"

"Darling, there wasn't a single moment I doubted you, when you tell me something, I don't think for a single moment whether you are lying or not. Nandini everything said by you is true, it will always be that way for me. Remember that forever"

I held onto his hand which was on my thigh and he caressed my hand gently.

"I don't know hw to thank you Manik"

"Cook me something nice" he said making me giggle

"I can't believe this"

"What" he asked

"Food seriously"

"Yes my love"

"Very well, I will cook you anything you want"

"Forever" he asked

"Yes sir, forever"

He smiled making me smile, finally someone other than misha who can make me smile.

I love how Misha's name and manik's name both start with M, it is my favourite letter now hehe it already was when I named misha but its more of a favourite now.

"Hey, talk to me" he said

"Hmm ya sorry"

"What are you thinking"

"Nothing in particular umm I do have a question though"

"What is it?"

"Do you have a sister" I asked

"I have a step sister" he said but there was no affection

"Does she have a daughter or son"

"No, why do you ask"

"Umm you have a car seat"

"Ya I bought it for misha"

"You what"

"I bought it for misha"


"The first time I took her to the park I had to hold her in my arms while driving which wasn't safe at all but you know I would never let anything happen to her you know that right"

"I know, I trust you blindly with her"

he grabbed my hand and kissed it making me smile

"Can I ask you something"


"Don't get me wrong but why don't you wear these dresses more often" he asked

"Honestly, I just didn't have the confidence but I feel like being with you makes me feel confident so I wore this today"

"Wear it more often, I love it"

"You do" I asked

"Um hmm it makes you look free, there is this glow on your face and I love that. More than the dress I like how you have this smile o your face today"

"Thank you kind sir" I giggled

"Your welcome my lady, I can't bow down right now but later" he said making me laugh

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