Chapter 7

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Nandini's pov

I woke up in a very unfamiliar room, I jumped up and a blanket covering me, I looked around and realized it was Manik's room.

Realizing I am in manik's room I breathed a little, the conversation we had replayed in my head, as tears made their way down my cheeks

I remember when I first walked in here and saw misha with manik adn cabir I didn't think much of it except that I felt vulnerable in front of him, like he was looking in my eyes for answers.

Then that day misha and I went home but she kept asking to come back here so she could manik and I didn't think much of it no I didn't not until I came here and found her cuddled up against him watching tv

I remember her playing with his kada and bracelet while she watched tv and he worked on his laptop. i had thought it was just becasue manik was new and she is very friendly with everyone but I was wrong

The next morning when we had gotten up she ran here to see manik and bhai but especially manik. She came back home sad becasue manik had gone to some urgent meeting abroad

The whole she had been talking about him, asking about him, all she thought about and talked about was him. She is obsessed with him.

I shook my head trying not to remember what happened this morning and last night, I tried not to cry and to be strong for misha but I couldn't be, I was sobbing uncontrollably which made misha cry too.

My head was throbbing in pain, so I sat there holding my head, it hurt so freaking bad.

"Haha mumma stub" I heard Misha's voice making me smile

What does stub mean I wondered

"She is very stubborn but she is your mumma" it was manik

"She nice too, she make yummy food"

"Better than me" he asked her

"Umm no papa you make yummy food too"

"Pumpkin you are so bad at lying I know mumma makes better food"

"Yes" she giggled

I still hadn't gotten used to her calling him papa, I wonder why she did that, I did need to talk to her

"Shh she might be sleeping" manik whispered

"Shhhh papa" she repeated after him

Manik was holding her in his arm and his other hand had a bowl in it with two forks im assuming becasue misha loves noddles.

"Muamma" she yelled seeing me sitting up

"Hi baby" I whispered

"Mumma see papa and me made Maggie"

"Papa and I" I corrected her

A smile tugged at manik's lips probably because I had referred to him as her dad, but what am I supposed to do, she wants to call him papa and he is Oka with it so who am I to stop it.

"Yes papa and I made Maggie"

"Thats nice"

manik placed her beside me, she cuddled close to my chest making me smile. He handed me the bowl of Maggie and kissed my head then Misha's.

"I just need to attend a call from work so ill be right back okay" he told me

i nodded, once he left I picked up misha and placed her on my lap facing me.

"Baby I need to talk to you about a few things, will you be okay with that" I asked feeding her moggie

"Yes" she replied

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