Italians Do It Better

Start from the beginning

Damon: And?

Elena: And ... Let's just say he still has his head on his shoulders because of JJ.

Damon: I get it. Do you think Maggie is having an affair with him?

Elena: She says he hasn't even touched her, but I've noticed his scent in places where ... How should I put it?

Damon: They're fucking. Say it, Elena. Do you think I didn't understand?

Elena: You know what? Forget it. You should move on and enjoy your new girl. You made a choice, brother, and it was a good one. Don't regret it now.

Damon looks at the sleeping Alice next to him.

Damon looks at the sleeping Alice next to him

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Damon: Don't worry about it, sister. If I regret anything, it's the time I wasted without Alice.

Elena: That's the spirit, baby!

Damon: But between you and me, I'm a little afraid of my godfather's reaction when he finds out.

Elena: He already knows. Maggie called him crying. I couldn't stop her. I'm sorry.

Damon: Damn it! And what about dad? Did he find out, too?

Elena: Apparently. They are ...

Elena's sentence is interrupted by a new vision that causes her gaze to wander into space and, of course, upsets Damon.

Damon: They are what, sis? Why did you stop? ... Elena? You're still there? Can you hear me?

The vision fades and Elena returns to the phone call.

Elena: Yes. Yes. I'm still here.

Damon: Thanks, Night! You scared me, bitch.

Elena: I'm sorry. I just had a vision.

Damon: About what?

Elena: About the bell you're about to hear.

Damon: Huh?

Elena: You asked me what about dad.

Damon: Yes.

Elena: Be ready, brother. You'll find out soon enough.

Damon: How soon?

Elena: About ... Now

Just at that moment, the bell in Alice's house starts ringing a little impatiently.

There Is No Light 🌇 Without Darkess 🌃 - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now