"Truth is, I had an argument with Father in the kitchen. He and mother claimed she was pregnant. Rex you were three, Jesse would have been five. They said they were moving away. I argued we weren't, I was only 13. We had a whole life here but because they pissed off some big person out in the world. They had to run. Jango gave me an option, I would go with them and leave you two or he would leave all three of us. They didn't care for you two and I wasn't going to ditch you two so I made sure I stayed behind and raised the two of you. Turns out, Mother was pregnant with Boba. They said they didn't care what happened to us, just because we couldn't pull the trigger from the age of three. I made sure to raise the two of you and the last I heard, twenty-five years ago. They had been killed. I was happy since you didn't have to go through with their abuse. I just never expected for them to be alive and for my own fiancé to lie to me about their deaths!" Wolffe explained, turning his anger on Howzer who could only look away. Fox glared at Wolffe who sent his own back. 

"He didn't lie to you, trust me. I was sent to personally kill them and I did so, two bullets straight through their skulls the same with Fennec Shand" Kix interrupted from where he was leaning against the table. Obi-wan looked up in shock, the medic still surprised him.

"And…you obviously failed so what happened?!" Rex yelled at the doctor who could only raise an eyebrow. 

"Jinx, got in the way" Kix answered, blinking back tears. "My ex-partner, she was developing some type of weapon that she thought she could cure cancer with. Together she and Charles Ryker worked together with Nala Se. Soon, they discovered a drug that could stop one who had been killed from certain death. Turns out they had injected Jango, Fennec, your mother, my mother with this drug years ago, Tarkin, Rampart and Sheamus Palpatine. All of them had been injected for a good five years apart from my mother who developed and experimented on herself when the idea came about. Leading to her kids being experimented on. Basically, the drug stops any trauma happening to that part of the body, it sends the body into a death like state where they will wake some time in the future. Normally takes a good six months" Kix explained looking over at Echo who only nodded, he had heard of the drug. Crosshair ignored them all strolling through his phone. 

Wolffe, Jesse and Rex shared looks. Obi-wan winced at the explanation.

"How do you know it works?" Echo asked, Kix could only sigh. 

"I should have died 32 years ago, but it would seem my mother liked to experiment on me. Jinx personally made sure she would test shit out me as long as she didn't touch the kids. I complied" Kix said looking off to the side, "and the side effects?" Rex inputted into the conversation.

"Weak hearts, weak bodies, exposure to radiation. Cancer. Brain trauma, you name it, it's probably in there" Kix muttered, slumping slightly. The medic was exhausted and Fox could see it, being the older brother he was he helped Kix into a seat. 

"Were you two experiments?" Jesse asked Howzer and Fox. He wasn't aware of everything but Kix had given Jesse small parts of information over the years, it was a reason why Kix couldn't donate blood.

"No, I was trained to run the mafia while Fox was trained to hack and be an assassin. We are all mercenaries" Howzer explained, gesturing to him and his brothers. Kix lifted his head from the table to nod before he placed it back in his arms. 

"So, how do we find Cody?" Echo asked moving to stand by Obi-wan's side as the monitors came to life again. A small video of a house, Echo recognised it as the batches home. "No!" He shouted as it exploded into tiny pieces followed by Fennec standing by the camera, "99 this is your fault. I suggest you come out of hiding and face the consequences of the creation of our abominations. While you stay in your hidey-hole, I will take this girl and wait for you by the bridge of depth!" Omega came onto the screen, she was crying cuffed and trying to get away. Beside her was an unconscious Tech who had blood flowing down his face. The video then cuts off.

The Bad Batch: A Heart-breaking Secret - Modern AU(Hunter x Crosshair) Complete!Where stories live. Discover now