"Okay guys, think im gonna do this one by myself." John B says turning to you guys, as you get to the destination.

"Why?" Kie asks confused, John B shrugs, "I just don't want to overwhelm Sarah." This makes Kie roll her eyes.

"Do what you need to do, dude." JJ says, Pope nodding. You look to Kie, seeing how pissed she is right now. John B looks to you and you nod him off, he smiles, "I won't be long." He says, leaving the twinkie.

The rest of you awkwardly sit in the twinkie for awhile before you hear screaming, "Can you guys here that?" Kie asks, "Yeah, what is that?" You ask, She shrugs, "Let's go check it out." JJ says opening the door to the twinkie running out, the rest of you following to where the screaming is coming from.

"Sarah! What happened?" Pope asks running towards where he sees Sarah hunched over John B on the floor,

"Shit!" You cuss, the rest of you running towards her and stopping to crouch down next to your brother.

"John B!" You shout, but he doesn't respond, "Oh my god." You say holding your head,

"Topper shoved him." Sarah explains as she cries, "Where the hell is he?" JJ asks

"Please, just get help." Sarah says, "Go! go." JJ says pushing Pope to find some help, "Pope hurry!" Kie yells as he runs.

"John B stay with me." Sarah says, as she kisses him. You turn to look at Kie, who looks confused, you link your arm with hers, as she places her head on your shoulder. "Pope, come on!" JJ yells.

Pope finally comes back with help, then taking John B to the hospital, "I'm going with him." Sarah sternly says, looking between the group, they just nod.

"I'm coming too." You say, the pogues giving you reassurance, "I'll let you guys know when he's okay." You say.

Once you get to the hospital they let you know that he had a broken wrist and a concussion. They got him on a hospital bed, Sarah sitting next to him on a chair.

"So..." You start awkwardly looking over at Sarah, who looks up at you, "You and my brother?" You ask, she puts her head down as she smiles, "Yeah.. it's new but.." She says, making you nod,

"welcome to the pogue life Sarah Cameron." You say smiling at her, which she reciprocates. You wanted to try and be civil with Sarah, considering she was your brothers new girlfriend, but you also felt like you'd be betraying Kie. But surely they'd make up at some point.. so you ignored the guilt.

John B stirred, waking up, "Hi." Sarah says smiling at him, "Hi." He responds, "Where am i?" He mumbles,

"St Olive's." You say, "Topper pushed you off the Hawk's Nest."

"You have a concussion and a broken wrist." Sarah tells him, making John B look at the cast around his wrist.

"I gotta get out of here. DCS is gonna find us—" John B starts, but Sarah's dad walks into the room, "Hang on there, kid." Making John B lay back down with a sigh,

"Sarah told me everything. About you running from the DCS, and how you were protecting her at the tower. John, I believe i owe you an apology. Id like to make up for it if you'll let me. I spoke to sherif Peterkin and.. I've offered to be yours and your sisters legal guardian, if you'll have me." Ward says

John B chuckles confused, "What?" He asks, looking over at you. You shrug, just as confused as him, "It'd mean a roof over your head and no more running from the DCS." Ward explains

"I don't know—" You start, "I don't mean to be rude mr Cameron, but if you don't mind, i'll stay at the château.." You start, he nods, "That's perfectly fine, that okay with you John B?" Ward asks

off limits ☼ jj maybank x readerWhere stories live. Discover now