Chapter 16 - Game Of Denial

Start from the beginning

Ash had never wanted to punch Gary more until that moment. No, he didn't like dancing, but did he want to be the best at it for Serena? Yes. Did he want to go just so he could get the chance see her? Perhaps. Did he want to prove he could be just as good as her friends, if not better? No doubt about it. He wasn't a quitter, but saying anything out loud would practically be a death sentence.

Gary took in Ash's expression, nodding slowly, and this time, his face was a mix of confusion and light hearted mockery. "It sounds to me like you're just pissed you didn't get alone time with her today."

"What? That's not-" Ash's voice was flat as he huffed out a breath, already veering back at him. "That's not the case."

He hated the shit-eating grin Gary flashed. Hated the sharp tooth shown from the side. Hated the narrow turn his eyes took. "And at the dance, you seemed to be having a great time with her. I know what you said before, but I get the feeling you fancy her quite a bit. She's gorgeous, man. I get it."

"You're reaching."

"Am I?" Gary waited a second, watching Ash like a hawk, but shrugged. He relented surprisingly easily that time. "I'm just calling it like I see it. Ask her out when the lessons are done."

Ash scoffed and tittered at the thought, eyes looking everywhere but at his friend. "Relationships aren't for me. I'm not that guy."

"But you can be. I don't get what's holding you back." Gary leaned against his chair and curled his lips into a pout, clearly frustrated by how fast Ash had vetoed his idea. "There's a possibility she likes you too."

"Me? Not a chance." Ash knew Gary was looking his way, but didn't budge his eyes from the wall. "I don't have a reason to care about that chance."

"Really?" Gary hummed, mischievously. He pushed his pointer finger and thumb together, making a snapping sound. "So if I ask her out during our class tomorrow, you're not gonna care?"

Ash shot him a deadly stare, jaw clenched. "Don't play with me, Gary."

"Nah, man. Of course I wouldn't." Gary laughed that time, a genuine laugh, but tried to conceal it from him. Ash's jaw strained in frustration when he continued, an edge in his voice that made him feel like a dumb little kid being made fun of. "But someone else could. That's all it takes. There's people who wouldn't miss the chance. Hell, there's guys who would kill to be in your place with a girl like Serena."

Ash exhaled sharply, perplexed. He didn't like the idea of that. Who even gave Gary leave to always act this confident, anyway? "Fucking hell."

Gary's voice was molded along with a grin Ash didn't see. "If you wanna spend more time with her, none of us would blame you. I'd applaud you for finally taking action."

"Are you suggesting I quit basketball?"

"What makes you say that?" Gary frowned, looking thrown back by that, but laughed it off. "I was suggesting you ask her on a date, or if you wanna keep dancing, go on the weekends. After practice works too. I'm sure she does other things besides teach your sorry ass everyday."

In fact, it wasn't like she did—it was true to an extent, but damn, Gary didn't need to sound so obvious about it. Ash crossed his arms, still glaring at him. "I just want to prove I can beat those show offs with her."

"Don't know about that one. They're practically pros."

"So is Serena!"

"Defensive much?" Gary purposefully waited for Ash to open his mouth for a comeback before cutting him off. "Hold on. Who is her normal partner?"

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