chapter 17

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Seokjin P.O.V

I looked around my living room, while laying on the couch, it's our day off, and i'm sleeping from morning, now i have to make some dinner for my handsome self, i was about to stand up when my door knocked loudly, i walked to the door, opening it, only to get pushed aside immediately.

This girl, "TODAY IS FELIX'S SECOND BIRTHDAY!!"She yelled, i closed the door, "HOW MANY TIMES IN A YEAR HE IS BORN!?!"I asked, she turned to me, "THREE TIMES!!"She replied, rushing to my room, i rushed after her, what she wanna do with my room, is she here to grab money from my wardrobe???.

"GET READY FAST!!"She yelled, opening up my wardrobe, "WEAR THIS SUIT!!"She yelled, throwing a black colored suit on the bed, "I DON'T WANNA ATTEND THAT JOKER'S FAKE BIRTHDAY PARTY!!"I replied, sitting up on the bed, she stood infront of me, extending her palm infront of me.

"Then give my money back"She said, i groaned, standing up, grabbing the suit, "get out of here and stand in the living room"I replied, she nodded, walking out, i changed into the suit, even if i wouldn't wear it, i will still look handsome but anyways, i headed out of the room, she clapped her hands, "WE WILL DRINK AND DANCE AROUND!!"She yelled.

"And the very next day i will find your dead body, and finds out the murderer is your father!"I replied, she gulped, opening the door, walking out, i followed her behind, i locked the door, "felix is waiting for us fast"She said, rushing down the stairs, wait a minute, wasn't he the birthday boy?, i also rushed downstairs.

There was jeong in arguing with the cab driver, and felix was already inside, with goggles on all dressed up, i can't understand what goes on inside these people's mind, suddenly jungkook appeared out of nowhere, he passed me a smile, he is also here, how am i going to forget him, y/n opened the door for me, i sat up.

She closed the door, i don't wanna talk or argue with them, they are insane, so i just sat quiet, a scream left my mouth when taehyung out of nowhere knocked on the window, y/n again opened up the door, pushing taehyung inside, i moved backwards from him, this guy still has the bill in his hand, i looked away from him, me and felix were already inside.

And Jungkook opened up the door, "THERE ISN'T SPACE GET OUT!!"I yelled at him, he ignored me, forcefully sitting up inside, ughh there is soo much traffic in here, they were squeezing me, and there jeong in opened up the door, he also forcefully sat up inside, and y/n sat up on the passenger seat.

What in the world is happening in here, my handsome reputation is being ruined, i looked at Jungkook he passed me a smile, only if it wasn't for the debt i wouldn't have been here, "YEAH MOVE ASIDE I'M THE GROOM!"Felix yelled, pushing Jungkook aside, "ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?"Jeong in asked.

Felix rolled his eyes, staring out of the window, not answering him, the driver drove away, it took us just five minutes to reach wherever that place is, i was the first one to rush out of the car, and all of them stepped out in unison, i hate them, they are ruining my reputation too, we walked in, it's felix's apartment, "HAPPY DEATH ANNIVERSARY!!"Jeong in yelled.

Felix pushed him, "IT'S MY ILLEGAL BIRTHDAY!!"Felix yelled back, "yeah happy illegal birthday!"Jeong in wished, i wanna smack something hard into their heads, if it was felix's house, then why he left it at first place?, he jammed the traffic in the cab, the doorbell ringed, y/n rushed to the door, opening it up, "THERE IS A PARTY AND NO ONE CALLED ME!"Eunwo yelled.

Felix immediately rushed to him, "WHO GAVE YOU MY LOCATION HUH?!?"Felix asked, he shrugged his shoulders, walking in, "NOW LET'S PARTY!"Jungkook yelled, turning the music on, i sat up on the couch, why they have to make everything hard, they danced around, drinking, y/n handed me a glass.

I took a sip, it's an apple juice, i looked up at her, "alcohol was expensive so we bought this"She said, our poor ass shows up everywhere, i noticed that priest dancing like some professional dancer, what happened to creations these days, i continued sipping the juice, atleast it's free, there is a mango cake on the drawer and some mangos around it.

Whatever this thing is, atleast i'm getting free food, i leaned on the couch, suddenly that jeong in fell on me, making me choke, "CAN'T YOU DANCE PROPERLY, AND STOP DANCING LIKE A GIRL HAVE SOME SHAME WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU HUH!??, HERE I'M PEACEFULLY TRYING TO DRINK BUT YOU ARE FALLING ON TOP OF ME I KNOW I'M HANDSOME BUT THAT DOESN'T MEANS YOU WILL FALL ON ME LIKE THAT!!"I yelled.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND STOP TALKING LIKE YOU DON'T DANCE LIKE A GIRL, IN LAST YEAR'S ILLEGAL PARTY YOU WERE DANCING LIKE THIS I WAS JUST FOLLOWING YOUR FOOTSTEPS, GO AND DIE!!"He yelled back, my eyes widen, that's why i found it familiar, "I WILL COPY RIGHT YOU!"I yelled back, he rolled his eyes, continuing dancing.

I sat up back on the couch, my eyes stopped at that taehyung, i sniffed the apple juice, it isn't alcohol then why he is dancing like he is going to die and will never get to dance again, and there is y/n dancing with jungkook, hands on hands, he is grabbing her waist and she is wrapping her hands around his shoulders.

It's a bass boosted song, what's with romantic dance like that?, they are out of fashion, i rolled my eyes at them, she could have asked me to dance with her, even in this cheap party i would have danced with her, this jungkook is smirking at me???, he doesn't loves his life anymore i guess, "jealous aren't you?"I looked at the person, finding felix sitting up beside me.

"No"I replied, sipping the mango juice, "are you sure?"He asked again, "it's just a cheap mango illegal birthday party so stop acting like it's a movie and we are in love or something"I replied, "oh, you two aren't in love, but i have heard something about you two"I looked at him, "400th room, late night, lights off"He mumble.

I slightly panicked, gulping, he smirked, no, i shouldn't let my handsome self down, i shooked my head, "whatever you are talking about, i don't wanna hear it anymore"I said, he hummed, how in the world they get to know about everything, did she have told him about it?.

"When is the wedding then?"He asked, i looked at him again, "wedding?"I asked back, "we all know you ain't going to pay the debt back, it's easy to get married with her"Jeong in jumped in between, "she doesn't deserve me, i'm handsome"I replied, looking around, "our y/n is also beautiful, stop being over confident"Said felix.

I ignored them, looking around, not getting any answer, they stood up, continuing dancing, our story isn't a love story that's it, i looked at her dancing laughing with jungkook, but our story is indeed beautiful, just like her, we only have debt relationship not anything more, but why did i ended up kissing her that time?, and when i did i wasn't ready to pull back, she made eye contact.

UGHH, she caught me staring her, i looked away from her, staring this priest eunwo, he is smirking and smiling on his own, sipping the juice, what is going on inside his mind?.

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