chapter 10

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"oppa you have to leave for abroad tomorrow!!"Said y/n whinning, sitting up beside her brother in his own room in the hotel, which jackson have served to all of them, hoseok laid on the couch, scrolling through his phone, "leave it, i didn't even understand them a bit"Replied hoseok, she gasped, "I HAVE BEEN WORKING IN HERE JUST TO MAKE YOUR WISH COME TRUE BUT--YOU ARE--"Y/n palmed her mouth.

She sat up on the bed, in disbelief, staring hoseok, he looked at her, "do you think i have been to abroad all this time?"Hoseok asked, she sniffed, with wide eyes, "s-so yo-you ne-never--YOU JUST MADE US FOOL!?!"She yelled, he hummed, sitting up, "studying isn't even my thing, i asked eomma to send you instead of me, because you are smarter then me, but she refused saying you are a girl and appa can't let you to go there"Said hoseok.

He stood up, walking to her, she stared him with wide eyes, "i never studied anything, i was always in korea"Hoseok mumbled, she gasped, pushing him away, "yeah i'm elder then you"Said hoseok, "so where did you wasted all of the money?"Y/n asked, "what do you think from where eomma and appa are getting their treatment from?"Hoseok asked, she looked at him.

"S-so you are the han who is paying the hospital bills?, you just faked your name?"Y/n asked, he hummed, nodding his head, "they won't waste their money on themselves, but on a useless jerk like me, who doesn't even know how to do division in maths, i knew it that i'm going to waste that money, so i have used it in a good way, aren't you with me?"Hoseok asked, "oppa"She mumbled, hugging him tightly.

He chuckled, hugging her back, "one day i will earn and i myself send you to study, i know you won't waste a single penny, your place isn't sweeping and cooking only, you deserve to touch the sky"Mumbled hoseok, she sniffed, "i love you oppa soo much"She mumbled, "i love you too sister"Hoseok replied, suddenly the door knocked, hoseok stood up, opening up the door.

"JACKSON SIR HAVE ORDERED TO ALL OF YOU TO BE PRESENT INSIDE THE LOBBY!!"The guard yelled, y/n hissed, "that mama kid"Y/n mumbled, they walked downstairs, finding everyone present there, she groaned, standing beside felix, jungkook and jeong in, all of them stood in a line, the guards moved aside, revealing jackson in between them, with the gun in his hand.

He walked around infront of them, with the gun in his hand, playing with it, all of them stared him, "if mama owns this hotel that means i'm also the owner, so i should get respect--"He was cutted off, "WHY SHOULD WE!?!, YOU DON'T HAVE PAPERS NOW CRY!!"Jeong in yelled, bursting out laughing, jackson hissed closing his eyes, pointing his guards, they rushed to jeong in, tying him up with the rope on the chair.

"Wang family is the actual owner of this hotel"His guard said, "and the one who has the papers?"Y/n asked, jackson looked at her, walking to her, "that person owns directly ten billion, i have bought this hotel last night under my name, illegally"He whispered the last word, everyone gasped, "jerk have paid ten billion for a hotel which cost originally six billion, and those six billion are also his, so in total he have paid sixteen billion himself just for this hotel which is already his, now i understand why you call your grandma as 'mAmA'"Y/n laughed out.

She gave a high five to jungkook, jackson looked at his manager who stood with glasses on, with a file in his hand, jackson whinned, sitting up on the floor, rubbing his temple, "FIRED!!"He yelled at his manager, his guards dragged the manager out of there, he screamed and struggled, "YOU!"He pointed at y/n, she looked at him, "bring her here"He ordered.

His guards rushed to y/n, dragging her forward, she struggled, cursing, they throwed her infront of Jackson, "HEY DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!!"Hoseok yelled, struggling into the guards hold, seokjin stared jackson, while felix and jungkook were also struggling into the guards hold, "yeah don't make it look like a movie, i'm just going to talk with your sister from distance"Said jackson.

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