Chapter 12: New Start (Final)

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Joanna was being transferred to a hospital with the help of an ambulance. When they got there, Jaxon was talking to a nurse.

Jaxon: How is my girlfriend, miss? Will she make it?

Nurse: With a concerned look. I'm not exactly sure. But you are welcome to check on her.

Then Jaxon walked closer to where Joanna was lying unconscious on the hospital bed and sat down beside her.

Jaxon: Baby...don't leave me. Please say you survived the shooting...

Jaxon: If I lose you, I have nothing else left to live for...

Joanna: She finally opened her eyes and said, Hey that you? My hero Jaxon?

Jaxon: He was relieved. Joanna...thank god you are back. I thought I lost you, baby.

Joanna: I was scared I wouldn't be able to see your handsome face again...

Jaxon: You shouldn't have risked your life, my darling. What would I do without you?

Joanna: I thought I'd rather let them hurt me than hurt you. You've been through so much more...

Jaxon: Still that was no reason for you to take the hit. But good news...the gang got arrested.

Joanna: They did?

Jaxon: Exactly. I saw them getting taken away by the police. Those guys can't come near us again.

The police also had evidence that Joanna's parents were involved. They were knocking on their house to get them arrested.

Police: You know what we are here for...

They both had on a guilty and defeated expression.

7 months later, Jaxon's parents found him at last when he was out walking with Joanna. They shouted for his name.

Jaxon's mom: Jaxon...omg I can't believe my eyes. Is this really you?

Jaxon: He turned around and said, Mom didn't you and dad tell me to enjoy my life on the streets?

Jaxon's dad: How could you talk to your mom like that? She and I were both worried about you for almost a year.

Jaxon's dad: And what the hell is this new look of yours? You changed so much!

Joanna: Don't talk to my man like that. Aren't you ashamed of treating him like crap?

Joanna: You never supported him by all means. He lost Scarlett and you, like everyone else, threw him on the sidewalk.

Jaxon's mom: look just like Scarlett. What's your name?

Joanna: Not gonna say. It's astonishing how you NOW remember you're his parents.

Joanna: You didn't act like it then and you're not acting like it now.

Jaxon's mom: Got pissed and said. Enough! You don't have the right to judge us in such a disrespectful way, girl!

Jaxon's dad: What is the meaning of this, Jaxon? You spreading lies about us or what?

Joanna: She laughed. Typical toxic parents.

She and her man turned their backs on them and walked away. After a short while, our lovely couple were in front of a restaurant outside and two familiar basketball players came running towards them wearing their jerseys. It was Adrian and Eren, Jaxon's former friends.

Adrian: Jax! Dude wait up! We have to talk to you.

Jaxon: Turned around with a stern expression. Another round of patronizing idiots I bet.

Adrian: Jax, don't be like that. We've been searching for you too.

Eren: Yeah bro you look so different and who is this hottie with you?

Jaxon: Don't call her that. She's mine.

Jaxon: Why did you come running back to me? I thought you both ditched me for Alec.

Adrian: We realized how much you mean to our team man. Ever since you dropped out, the Lakers have been losing every game.

Adrian: Alec wasn't the guy we thought he was. He was quite mean and he was missing practice a lot....

Eren: Bro we're really sorry we ignored you. But everything is in the past. Let's forget and move forward.

Jaxon: No. Nothing you say will change my mind.

Adrian: Bro we know we messed up. Please give us a chance to reconcile with you...

Joanna: There would be no reconciling here. Why don't you leave him alone and take advantage of another star player?

Joanna: That's all you both are good for. You were never his true friends. You loved being a taker.

Joanna: What goes around comes back around. Failure comes inevitably to people like you.

Eren and Adrian were speechless. They didn't know what to say. Joanna decided to do a little prank on them. She secretly placed a fake snake on the ground.

Joanna: Oh watch out! There's a snake behind you!

The guys freaked out and tiptoed away. Jaxon and Joanna laughed so hard.

Jaxon: Towards Joanna. Very funny and badass of you, baby. That's why you're mine... He picked her up and kissed her.

7 years later, Joanna and Jaxon had a new life. Joanna became an English teacher at Preston High School. Jaxon became a very strict basketball coach. He made sure members of his team worked very hard during practice and never slack off. He didn't want them to fail like he did. They trained 5 days a week and they only got breaks once they mastered their skills. Kyle Jacobs and Zac Harrison were among them.

Jaxon: He watched intently while his team members were practicing with the basketball at the basketball court outside.

Jaxon: Alright, team! You had your fun!

Jaxon: Let's do warmups by running a mile in the tracking field! Jacobs and Harrison, you will both take the lead!

Kyle & Zac: Yes, sir! 

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