Chapter 2: Kicked Out

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The next day at school, Miss Mckernan was ready to give Joanna a hard time once more. She demanded the signed test paper from Joanna, although she didn't tell her parents that she's failing.

Miss Mckernan: Joanna, do you have your test paper signed?

Joanna: I'm sorry, Miss Mckernan. I was unable to...It wasn't a good time to tell my parents.

Miss Mckernan: I knew this was going to happen! After today, you are out of this class.

Miss Mckernan: I can't teach a student like you anymore...since you hardly ever try.

Joanna: Please give me one last chance. I do try in your class. I'm just going through a very hard time.

Teacher: I don't care. You continue to fail in my class and I'm not going to hear your excuses.

Joanna didn't say anything so she walked out a while later because she didn't want to stay there and continued to be yelled at by her teacher. During lunch, Joanna decided to hide in the bathroom stall because she didn't want to be approached by anyone in the cafeteria.

Joanna: On the inside. I hate everyone...I hate my life. I just want to die.

Kathy was standing in the hallway talking to her friends about Joanna because they didn't see her inside the cafeteria.

Ruth: Towards Kathy. Hey Kathy, do you have any idea where that loser went?

Kathy: If she's not at the cafeteria, then she must be inside the bathroom...

Melinda: How smart of you to think that. Let's go check!

When they got inside the bathroom, Kathy was the first to speak up.

Kathy: Hey loser, I know you're in there. Come out and have fun with us.

Joanna: She stayed silent and said nothing.

Kathy: Attempted to kick the door open. Say something, loser. You can't ignore us like that!

Joanna: Give me all the attention you want. I'm not giving it back to you.

Ruth: Don't be like this. We all know what happened in your English class.

Melinda: Yeah, everyone is talking about it. How could you fail such an easy class?

Joanna: I don't want to have fun with you. I don't care how much you ask. If you think I'm a loser, stay away from me.

Kathy: Whatever. I guess it's a waste of space talking to you. Let's go, girls.

Joanna lied on her bed when she got home and she was tired of the drama she dealt with for the majority of her life. She saw how no one cared about her.

Joanna: On the inside. Everyone is giving me a hard time. They don't care about me at all.

Outside of her bedroom, Joanna's mom's phone was ringing. It was a guidance counselor from school calling her about Joanna.

Marla: She picked up her phone. Hi, Mrs. Addison speaking. Who is this?

Guidance counselor: Hello, I want to inform you that Joanna is doing poorly in her classes...

Guidance counselor: She got removed from her English class because she's failing....

Marla: Oh really? Thanks for letting me know. She hung up.

Marla: On the inside. Joanna, you made a problem again!

Marla: She immediately headed towards Joanna's room to confront her about her school performance.

Joanna: Mom, what are you doing in my room?

Marla: Your counselor called and informed me about your terrible performance at school!

Marla: She said you got removed from your English class! Why did that happen?!

Joanna: You already know what happened. Go ahead. Say I'm in trouble for now.

Marla: You continue to bring shame in this family. You only have one job at school and you can't even do that properly!

Marla: You're so lazy!

Joanna: I'm not lazy! You don't know anything because you never cared!

Joanna: You and dad are just like everyone else, mom. Always making me feel like shit.

Marla: That's enough! I want you out of this house NOW!

Marla: You can come back when you're ready to apologize.

Joanna walked out of the house and before she knew it, it was raining heavily, but she couldn't care. She was truly at her breaking point with bad people in her life.

Joanna: She walked slowly and said to herself. I guess everyone hates me at this point. I no longer see the point of being alive.

It continued to rain and it got colder every minute. Joanna eventually passed out, but outside she wasn't alone. Jaxon happened to be nearby once again.

Jaxon: He said to himself. She must be really cold... I'll take her to my apartment. She can't be out here alone.

Jaxon was watching over Joanna while she slept on his bed. Joanna slowly opened her eyes and then she turned to the side where Jaxon is. She got up and couldn't believe he was right in front of her.

Joanna: Umm...who are you? What am I doing here?

Jaxon: I'm Jaxon and I found you lying on the sidewalk unconscious so I brought you here.

Jaxon: Why were you out in the rain?

Joanna: Well as far as you're concerned, my mom kicked me out of the house and my dad wasn't home.

Jaxon: I see...seems like you don't have a good relationship with your parents, do you?

Joanna: You can already tell I don't. I don't think I want to return parents don't care about me.

Joanna: They are toxic, and they make my life a living hell.

Jaxon: In that case, suit yourself in my least for now. But what will you do if your parents search for you?

Joanna: They won't...

Back at Joanna's house, her dad finally came home but he realized their daughter wasn't home because her crazy mom had kicked her out during a middle of a downpour.

Matthew: Where the hell is Joanna? She's supposed to be doing chores at this hour!

Marla: Well I kicked her out because she was being disrespectful!

Marla: You should have heard what her school counselor told me.

Matthew: Are you out of your mind?! Do you have any idea where she could go?!

Marla: Since when are you interested in her? You never cared either.

At Jaxon's apartment, Joanna was telling Jaxon about her terrible experience in school and everything that happened to her recently. Jaxon felt like he could relate in some way.

Jaxon: That's a tough life you have... That's why I hate teachers....

Joanna: What about you? You still haven't told me about yourself...

Jaxon: Oh yeah...I moved into this apartment because I couldn't stand living with my parents.

Jaxon: They kicked me out because I dropped out of high school years ago.

Jaxon: I know this might be irrelevant, but what's your name?

Joanna: It's Joanna...Not very special. 

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