Chapter 6: My Criminal

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Mykel explained another mission they have going on early in the morning. They were going to take their robbing mission on another level.

Mykel: We have an important shift at 3 am. We're going to rob an entire bank crew.

Mykel: If you are late, you are out of the gang.

Jaxon: I won't be late. Not for something very important.

Parker: Yeah me neither, boss.

Mykel: Good, gang dismissed. See you all on your mission tomorrow.

Jaxon was eventually excused and went home straight away. Joanna was there in her room like she promised him she would be.

Jaxon: He approached to hug Joanna. I'm back...I missed you so much.

Joanna: I missed you too...

Jaxon: I'm sorry I have to keep you home. I wish we had freedom to do whatever we want together.

Joanna: Are we allowed to go somewhere this evening?

Jaxon: No, we can't. I have a night shift at 3am. So maybe another day...

Joanna: Had a disappointed expression and said. It's fine...I might get noticed by some people from school if we do.

At Roxanne's house, Matthew was seen typing things on his computer in their room while Roxanne was sitting on their bed, checking out her socials. She got up to speak to Matthew.

Roxanne: You work so hard, Matthew...Shame no one acknowledges you.

Matthew: He got up and said, I'm almost done. I work well when I'm with you...

Roxanne: You should take a break...I'll be downstairs cooking if you need me. She walked out of their bedroom.

Roxanne decided to cook something special for Matthew. She used a knife to cut fish, vegetables, and tomatoes. She was also making soup and throwing salt in the pot. She sat with Matthew with the food she already prepared. He took a small bite of the dish and he was lucky Roxanne knew how to cook without burning otherwise he would be praying if the house caught on fire.

Matthew: This tastes wonderful! Your cooking is great, babe.

Roxanne: She checked her phone and realized it was time to go to work. Ugh another fine minute ruined by responsibilities!

Roxanne: I gotta go to work now...

Matthew: Want me to give you a ride to work?

Roxanne: Nah, it's okay babe. It's 30 blocks away.

Roxanne: Just promise me we'll go shopping after I finish! She got up and walked away.

Back at Marla's house, she can't stop thinking about how to bring both her trashy husband and her missing daughter back.

Marla: On the inside. I need to see Matthew and Joanna are both up to...They can't leave like that!

Turns out Roxanne worked as a hostess in a club. She was seen flirting with a rich male client with dyed blue hair and dressed in an elegant suit. They were both sitting on a sofa and that guy had his arms wrapped around her, but she didn't mind.

Male client: I'm honored to have you as my hostess. You should keep working here. I should come to see you more often.

Roxanne: Don't wanna crush your spirit, but I'm not single.

Male client: I don't mind. I'll give you more than him if you give me more attention.

Roxanne: Thank god that old man doesn't know what my job is. He won't like what I'm doing at all.

Male client: How much do I owe you, hottie?

Roxanne: Usually get paid $12-15 each hour....

Male client: I can give you more than that. He gave her a stack of $200.

Roxanne: Omg I didn't think you were this rich, but thank you so much!

When she was finished with work, Roxanne was shopping at Gucci with Matthew. She was looking at the mirror inside a fitting room and glamorizing her appearance while trying on different sexy outfits. She decided to buy the last outfit she picked out.

Roxanne: Gonna buy this one. It looks perfect on me...

Matthew: You look stunning in every outfit you tried. Anything else you would like for me to buy for you?

Roxanne: Hmm...let's have a look around.

However, Marla spotted them and she looked super angry. She was wearing a gaudy red long-sleeved dress and black heels. She looked quite overweight compared to Roxanne who was much slimmer than she was.

Marla: You dirty tramp! You dare to hit on my husband, huh?

Roxanne: Turned around and said. You mean your ex-husband? He made a smart choice to leave an old witch like you.

Marla: I'm an old witch? You stole him from me, so you're the witch!

Roxanne: You should have been grateful for what you had before it was gone. Matthew works hard, but you're unappreciative.

Marla: Don't be a smartass, you whore! It won't work on me.

Gucci Manager: He was nearby and came to interrupt their fight. He told Marla, Ma'am, this is completely inappropriate.

Gucci Manager: This is not the martial arts...If you're here to cause a fuss, then you should leave.

Marla: I'm sorry, sir. I'll leave... She walked in the opposite direction.

Finally, nighttime struck. Joanna was sleeping on Jaxon's bed and it was about 2:30 in the morning when Jaxon had to wake up again.

Jaxon: On the inside. Oh shit...don't tell me I have to be a vamp at this hour.

Jaxon: He stood in front of Joanna while she slept. I won't take too long, Joanna...Please wait for me.

Jaxon hastily walked out of his room and onto the streets.

Jaxon: As he walked he said to himself. Walking in the dark is what I hate the most...

Then minutes later, Jaxon arrived and the other gang members were already there outside of the bank.

Jaxon: I'm not late am I?

Mykel: Nope just on time. Now come on, gang. We have work to do.

The gang got inside the bank where it was completely empty and no surveillance cameras were to be seen. Afterwards, they entered a vault where a large stack of money was hidden and Parker disappeared out of sight. Jaxon and Nigel did the same when they found other items that were worth stealing, while Mykel was outside waiting for the gang. When they were finished, Jaxon and other guys all headed out of the bank when they got everything they needed.

Parker: The coast is clear.

Mykel: Did you get everything from the bank?

Nigel: We did. The bank is literally empty, boss.

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