Chapter 4: Stranger Trust

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At last, she arrived at Jaxon's apartment and got inside. Jaxon was in the living room waiting for her to come and didn't think she would make it, but she did.

Jaxon: I was waiting for you all morning, Joanna... I can help you with your bags.

Joanna: I'm so sorry I didn't come here sooner. My parents locked me inside my own room last night.

Jaxon: I see...they were very mulish right?

Joanna: Indeed. I heard them arguing again and my dad slapped my mom. I also got suspended from school 8 hours ago.

Jaxon: Well, I was close to your house and I heard loud noises so I didn't think it'd be wise for me to barge in so suddenly.

Jaxon: But why did you get suspended from school?

Joanna: I finally stood up for I spilled fruit punch at my bully on purpose...

Joanna: The principal said I'm suspended forever. So now I can do whatever I want.

Jaxon: Wanna celebrate your freedom with me?

Joanna: Sure. Anything is fine with me.

Jaxon was preparing another elaborate meal for both of them. He was going to cook spaghetti with meatballs and thick tomato sauce. He also managed to find a bottle of wine in the cupboard that wasn't touched before.

At the same time, Joanna was taking a bath inside Jaxon's room and she felt very comfortable because she hardly takes a bath or shower herself.

Joanna: On the inside. This is so relaxing...

After she was done cleaning herself in the bathtub, she covered herself with a towel and then changed into a new pair of outfits. She then headed to the kitchen where Jaxon was.

Joanna: Look who's back.

Jaxon: He took one look at her and thought to herself. She's so pretty...she looks so much like Scarlett.

Joanna: Uh, what's wrong, Jaxon? Is there something stuck on my outfit?

Jaxon: No, nothing...Let's sit down and eat.

They ate together, and Joanna tried the spaghetti that Jaxon made and it was very delicious.

Joanna: The spaghetti is very good...I really like it.

Jaxon: Really? I have something else to share with you...

Jaxon: He got up and picked up a bottle of red wine and two glasses from the cabinet in the kitchen.

Joanna: With a skeptical expression. Are you sure it's safe for me to drink?

Jaxon: Of course...don't think one glass of wine will kill the both of us...

Joanna: Ok if you say so.

They spent more minutes eating and drinking wine with each other. Joanna broke the silence between them by asking Jaxon more questions about himself.

Joanna: Didn't ask you this yesterday but how old are you? What do you do for work?

Jaxon: Well, this is complicated. But first off, I'm 20 years old. I work for a gang.

Joanna: Got surprised and said. A gang? So you're part of a criminal organization?

Jaxon: Not exactly a criminal organization. We help each other to share the earnings we get from bad people.

Jaxon: But you don't have to worry. I'm not going to harm or steal something from you. But can I ask what your age is?

Joanna: I'm 18. And you're the first person who's nice to me. I've never had a single friend in my entire life.

Jaxon: I'm sorry about that. Glad no one saw me rescuing you because they would think I kidnapped you.

Joanna: I'd rather be kidnapped either way. Better than staying at home.

Finally, it was time for them to sleep together and Joanna changed into her sleepwear while Jaxon was semi naked when getting ready for bed. Joanna was standing up while Jaxon was sitting on bed waiting for Joanna to join him.

Jaxon: Come sleep with me like you did yesterday. I won't do anything.

Joanna: Never imagined I would be sharing a bed with a guy for long.

Jaxon: Sorry I forced you. I would buy us a second bed but for now this is only our choice.

Jaxon had his arms wrapped around Joanna while they were sleeping together. Jaxon thought that Joanna was a sweet girl, but he struggled to come in terms with his feelings for her.

Jaxon: On the inside. Why do I feel so good sleeping with Joanna? She's so tender.

Jaxon: On the inside. But I'm not allowed to have feelings for her...still not after what happened long ago.

During the next morning, Joanna's dad was heading towards Joanna's room to check on her. He wanted her to come out and apologize.

Matthew: Joanna, I'm going to unlock the door. You can come out.

However, he didn't hear any response when he proceeded to unlock the door. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see a giant mess in Joanna's room and she was nowhere to be found.

Matthew: He got furious and said. Marla, come here NOW!!! We have a big problem!!!

Marla: She appeared and said. Why did you yell? You ruined my sleep, Matthew!

Matthew: Joanna is gone!

Marla: You let her escape didn't you?! You said you locked the f**king door!

Matthew: You shut the f**k up! I'm tired of Joanna's tricks and your nasty mouth!

Matthew: I'm leaving this house! I'm done with your crap! He walked away from her and got out of the house.

Marla: She fell to the ground and said to herself. No...Joanna and my husband. They're both gone...

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