Chapter 1: Issues

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18 year old Joanna Addison had nothing cheerful going on in her life. She never had a friend in her life and was always bullied relentlessly in school. She was a pretty teenager with long straight blonde hair and tender, grey blue eyes. She had a toxic relationship with both of her parents. It was another school day and she was sitting on the ground next to her bed, contemplating about her dreadful life.

Joanna: She said to herself. I hate my life so much...

Her mom was cooking breakfast for her and her dad. They all sat at the dining table, but no one talked after an argument her parents had last night. Neither her parents made eye-contact or smiled at her.

Marla: Said with a bored expression. Joanna, you should take out the trash when you come back from school.

Matthew: He continued to eat and said nothing at all.

Joanna: She replied with a neutral expression. Yes, mom.

At Willow Creek high school, her English teacher Miss Mckernan was talking about their discussion for the day, however, Joanna wasn't listening at all. She didn't see the point of being there if everyone was mean to her.

Joanna: On the inside.This is so boring. I don't want to be here at all.

Miss Mckernan: Noticed Joanna wasn't paying attention and said. Joanna, do you need coffee? I see you aren't focused at all!

Joanna: Stopped daydreaming and said. Oh I'm sorry Miss Mckernan.

Miss Mcknernan: Had a mean expression. Why don't you share what you're daydreaming about? It must be more interesting than the lesson.

Some other students were laughing, but of course the teacher didn't care.

Joanna: It wasn't anything important. I won't daydream again, I promise.

Miss Mckernan: You better not. If I catch you again, I'll be calling your parents.

When class was over, everyone was dismissed except Joanna. She was about to leave until the teacher stopped her from going out.

Miss Mckernan: Joanna, don't leave. I need to talk to you again.

Joanna: Turned around and said. Yes, what is it?

Teacher: You got a D on our last test. Other people did better than you. Did you even study?

Joanna: I did study. I just didn't think it would be that difficult.

Teacher: Whatever. I need your parents to sign your test, so they know you are failing.

During lunch, Joanna sat alone like she normally does until her silence was interrupted by her 3 bullies. Their names were Kathy Primes, Melinda Bennett, and Ruth Dallas.

Kathy: Oooh look girls. It's Joanna the loser. She's got no one to sit with her again.

Melinda: You poor thing. But we can't have her sit with us can we?

Ruth: That's right. We don't want to be caught sitting with losers like her.

Kathy: She's so bad and no one wants to sit with a failure.

Joanna: Can you please just go away and leave me alone?

Kathy: Jeez, why so sensitive? We're giving you attention because no one else will.

Joanna had enough and went to throw away her lunch and head to the bathroom where she can be alone. She locked herself in a bathroom stall so her bullies won't get in to harass her.

Joanna: She said to herself. Finally, I'm alone...I won't let them bother me anymore...

Finally, the dreadful day at school was over and she was seen walking home by herself. However, in the distance, a tall, muscular guy with brown hair, topaz blue eyes, and wearing a green turtleneck with black cargo pants was watching her. He also had piercings on each side of his ears. He was a 20-year old guy named Jaxon Emerson.

Jaxon: He said to himself. That girl looks familiar...

Joanna didn't have homework that day and she laid on her bed. She didn't know how to tell her parents she's failing her last year at high school because they will automatically be furious with her.

Joanna: She thought to herself. How am I supposed to tell my parents that I'm failing? They'll kill me.

Marla: She hastily walked into Joanna's room and said. Joanna! Didn't I tell you this morning to take out the trash?

Marla: Why did you go to your room first?!

Joanna: She got up from her bed and said. I'm sorry, mom. I forgot...

Marla: You always forget! You're such a disappointment.

Marla: Stop being lazy and take out the trash now!

Hours later, Joanna's dad arrived late from work like usual and her mom was pissed with him like always.

Marla: Here you are...coming home late like every other day. Don't tell me you are seeing someone else!

Matthew: Are you really trying to argue with me again? You should be grateful I make enough money to put food on the table.

Matthew: All you do is act like a bitch, Marla!

Matthew: Why don't you get a job if you think you're better than me?

Marla: Matthew, don't yell at me! I've already had enough of you taking your anger out on me all the time...

Matthew: I don't want to listen to you...I'm going to room!

Joanna: She was in her room when she heard them arguing. Why do my parents always fight? They both don't love me...

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