Rue stopped walking. "Explain." Her tone was dangerous.

"He got beat up," Phoebe confessed, wincing at the horrified expression that fell across Rue's face. "He's on the mend, but he still didn't want you to see him like this and, you know my dad — he doesn't want your family asking questions, so—"

"So, he lied to us instead," Rue finished between gritted teeth. For someone so soft, Rue looked fierce when she was angry. Phoebe blushed, partially out of shame but also because she found it unbearably attractive. She was only human, after all.

"Promise you won't tell?" Phoebe begged once her wits returned. "If your parents find out and say something to my Dad—"

"Don't worry, Pheebs. I won't say anything. I don't want to make things worse than they already are." Rue tossed her head back in frustration. "But let the record show that I hate this."

"Same," Phoebe said, slumping with defeat. None of this was fair.

After a moment of tense silence, Rue gave Phoebe a beseeching look. "So, Connor doesn't want to see me?"

At this, Phoebe let out a bark of laughter. "C'mon, Rue. This is Connor we're talking about. You know what he's like, all noble and stuff."

Rue pulled a section of hair over her shoulder and ran her fingers anxiously through her curls. "Yeah, but—"

"But nothing," Phoebe said, waving away Rue's concerns. "I know Connor's just doing as he's told, but I'm the one who'll have to listen to him mope for weeks if he doesn't get to see you while you're here. Now, come on. I promised your dad I'd have you back by curfew." She took Rue by the hand and dragged her onward through the forest, pretending she didn't notice the grateful smile that Rue was trying to hide behind her hair.

After a bit more trekking, the pair finally made it to Connor's little cottage. The curtains were closed, but a thin trail of woodsmoke drifting from the piped chimney told Phoebe that her cousin was dutifully holed up inside. She knocked her knuckles on the door a few times and waited.


Sighing, Phoebe knocked again, harder this time.

"It's me, ya' nerd," Phoebe said, drumming her fingernails against the window. Beside her, Rue stifled a laugh. "Open up."

"You're not supposed to be here, Pheebs," Connor replied. His voice was muffled through the door, which did nothing to hide his irritation.

"You and I both know there's no lock on this door." Phoebe put a hand on the doorknob. "Don't make me barge in."

The door flew open to reveal Connor's scowling face. The swelling was gone now, but the bruises lingered. They were in that sickly yellow and brown stage of healing, which almost looked worse than when they were fresh. A dark scab had formed over the split in his lip.

"I thought we agreed to lay low for—" Connor froze mid-rant as his vibrant green eyes landed on Rue. His mouth worked noiselessly, and she laughed as she threw her arms around his shoulders. Her touch brought Connor back to life. He wrapped her in what was, for him, a gentle embrace and swept her effortlessly off her feet. Rue peppered his wounded face with kisses while he beamed up at her. Phoebe sighed wistfully. She hoped that someday someone would look at her the same way Connor looked at Rue.

"You got your tattoos!" Connor cried. His eyes sparkled with pride and delight. "You did it, babe! You did it!" He spun Rue around, making her squeal and demand to be put down before she got dizzy.

When Connor finally relented, he turned his attention to Phoebe. But before he could say anything, Rue jumped to her defense.

"Don't be mad at her," Rue said, cradling Connor's cheeks lovingly between her palms. "There's no way I was going to let you hide from me. I can't believe what they've done to you."

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