"I think Sarah's right. Since when do we turn down an excuse to get shit-faced?" You ask, trying to get the group on board. John B raises his eyebrow at you, looking between you and Sarah.

"Please?" Sarah asks sweetly, trying to be convincing. Kie shrugs, "I'm in, as long as JJ doesn't bring the gun." She says

John B still unconvinced folds his arms over his chest, "If anything starts we'll just leave.." Sarah suggests. Pope sighs, "It's better than being stuck here with the constant waft of sweat."

JJ finally nods, "I'm up to get shit-faced." He says. John B sighs, "Fine— i'm in too." He says, making Sarah cheer.

You notice JJ's tense glare watch you as you stand, his jaw clenched. You momentarily catch his gaze as you walk to your bedroom to get changed. Kie follows you loosely behind.

"What was that all about?" She asks with a chuckle as she shuts your bedroom door, you knit your eyebrows together in confusion, "JJ." She explains.

"Oh— No clue.." You shrug truthfully, "Feel like it might be the whole Rafe situation." You say. She nods, "Still cant believe you and Rafe Cameron." She says. You roll your eyes, "I try to forget." You tell her, quickly brushing your hair out.

Everyone gets ready to go, walking down to whoever the Kook was that was hosting the party. Sarah leads you guys towards a large white panelled house, the standard Kook home.

You make your way into the backyard, Pope and JJ heading off by themselves. Kie gives you a look as you watch them leave. She pulls you over to where they were handing out drinks.

"Dink it and sink it." She says handing you a red solo cup. You cheers, "First sip." You say— both of you chugging your drink. "Another?" She asks. "Another." You confirm.

The two of you take your drinks and sit with a group, Kie debating with them, with you listening. You smile at your best friends passion. "I'm gonna get a refill, Kie." You tell her walking towards the drinks bar, she nods.

You stand at the bar waiting your chance to grab a drink, "Didnt think Pogues we're invited." You hear someone say behind you, making you turn around. You roll your eyes seeing Rafe behind you, "Why are you always lingering near me?" You ask him furrowing your eyebrows in disgust.

"Guess i gravitate towards pretty girls." He says smirking as his hand grazing against your arm. You pull away, turning to grab your drink. "The fuck are you doing around her?" You hear someone angrily say, JJ appears in front of you— blocking Rafe from you.

"Woah, Maybank." Rafe says holding his hands up, "Just having a friendly chat with Y/n." He smiles, arrogantly. JJ cocks his head, "Yeah?" He asks getting closer to Rafe.

"JJ." You try, not wanting to have to break up a fight, your hand placed on his back, which he shoves off. You sigh. "Yeah." Rafe confirms, "Was about to invite Y/n to join me for some drinks. Show her a good time." making you scoff

JJ's jaw clenches, he grabs Rafe's shirt, holding him close to his face, "If you try talk to her or even look at her again, i'll bash your skull in Cameron." JJ says letting go of him, pushing Rafe backwards. JJ turns to walk away, grabbing your arm and pulling him with you.

"I could've handled that JJ." You chuckle, "Don't need you to save me." This makes JJ click his tongue, "The way you sobbed about him the other day princess tells me otherwise."

"Stop acting weird, JJ." you say, taking a sip of your drink. "This is why i didn't want to come here in the first place." You scoff, "I'm not some fragile little girl, jesus." You tell him. "I'm just looking out for you— Like a good friend would." He says offended.

"I'm going to find Kie." You tell him, he just lamely nods at you. He watches you as you leave, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He clicks his tongue heading towards some tourons who'd been eyeing him up all night.

As you try to find Kie you accidentally bump into someone as they walk out of the large house, "I'm so sorry—" You start, "Oh.. it's you." You say smiling as you see the familiar face of, Will, who you met at the campfire.

"Hey." He says smiling, as he looks you up and down, "Wanna sit down somewhere?" He asks, you nod. You follow him through the crowd— feeling JJ's gaze still watch you from afar, you shake it off, ignoring his strange behaviour.

You and Will sit in a less populated corner, some of his friends around the two of you. "I'm so sorry i didn't text." He starts, "That's fine— I've got bad signal anyway, you know lines down and stuff after Agatha." You shrug. He gives you a sympathy smile, obviously not knowing as he was a Kook with good 4G.

"Hey, do you maybe wanna go out for dinner or something tomorrow night?" Will asks you, you turn to look at him seeing a light tint of blush across his cheeks at his bold question.

"Yeah, okay." You say smiling, "Text me." You tell him as you sip your drink again, seeing Kie pass you. "I'll see you tomorrow then." You say waving to him as you follow Kie.

"Kie!" You shout as you follow the brunette, she turns around suddenly smiling as she sees it's you calling her name. "I was looking for you!" She says, "John B and Sarah are heading home and so are the others." She lets you know.

You nod, "Want to head off?" You ask her, she agrees, the two of you walking back to the château. "I saw Will at the party." You tell her, making her coo, "What did you to get up to?" she asks raising her eyebrows suggestively.

You shove her lightly, "Noo." You tell her, "Nothing. But he did ask me on a date tomorrow." You tell her trying to hide the smile forming on your lips. Kie cheers, pulling you into a hug as the two of you jump in circles.

"Your first date!" She cheers, "You have to let me help you get ready tomorrow." She says pulling away from the hug, "Of course." You tell her.

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