Chapter No 28 Fiancee?

Start from the beginning

"Miss Huston seems pregnant" said a reporter.

"What? Pregnant how?" asked another reporter.

"Miss Huston tell us who is the father?" asked a reporter.

They all were gathering her. Easton felt his knuckles tightened. Tristana came near to him and held her arm.

"Darling let's go home, it is not good for our reputation to go near such dirty girl" she said. Easton felt as if someone had taken his heart in the fist.
He looked at Matilda, who looked so helpless and then to Manfred with anger.

Manfred rushed to Matilda while making his way through the crowd.
"Mel, Mel" he called her name. She was feeling so exhausted.
She fell unconscious.
"Mel? Mel?" he called her name.

"Everyone get out of my way or else I will sue your media houses by tomorrow" he said aloud; all of the reporters took a side.

He lifted her up in his arms and took her out with him.

"But Mr. Evan, who is the father?" asked the reporter.

"I am the freaking father, is that okay with you?" he said, angrly.

He ran towards the car while holding her up in his arms in bridle style.

They reached home after twenty minutes. He carries her inside the home.
"Mel, Mel" he kept calling her but she was faint.
Ivan was sitting with some little girl who had light brown curly hair and green eyes. A woman in her late 20s was sitting on the sofa reading some book.
"Ivan? Ivan" He called his name.
Ivan got up. "What? What happened to her?" Ivan asked worriedly.

"I, I don't know" he said, panicked.

"Patricia? We need help" he called for the woman.

They put her on the sofa. Patricia was checking over her.

"Daddy? What happened to aunt Mel" asked Azalea.

"She would be a fine honey" he said while hugging his daughter.

"She is fine, she must have gone through the stress" said Patricia.

"Yeah it was a tacky evening" said Manfred, exhausted.

"What happened?" asked Ivan.

Manfred gives him a sigh.

"Easton said he is getting engaged, she was too upset about it, in order to do something I announced she is my fiancée" he said sheepishly.

"What? You did what?" asked Ivan furiously.

"I did not have any other idea" said Manfred.

"Idea? Idea? Media is going to eat her up alive" he said, clenching his teeth.

"Yeah Easton is quite a powerful family" said Patricia.

"How you know?" asked Manfred.

"I am a doctor and half of our hospital funds are coming from their industries," she said. "And as for you, I know about you too, you are the famous Evans who made huge inventions in the medical world, your grandfather was the one who made an antidote for venomous virus and your great uncle was an infamous surgeon, so does your grandma, infamous for chinese medicine," she said.

Both Ivan and Manfred were looking at her in astonishment,

"How you know all this?" asked Manfred.
"Oh come on, I am a doctor" she said smiling.

"In fact, the reason I was unable to come earlier with Ivan was because I had to attend a conference where grandma Anna Marie was a guest, she is such a great woman. I am a great fan of her, I became a gynecologist because I took her as a role model and she helped a lot of women. She is such a good doctor," she said while placing one head over her heart.

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