CHAPTER 4 - Not according to plan

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Stunned and at a loss for words, he was pulled to the center of the ball. He took a deep breath and held on tightly to the fan on his face. The music began and so did the first dance. He made such a fool out of himself. He kept stepping on his toes and apologizing.

"No need to apologize. Is this your first time at a ball?" he asked.

"Is it that obvious?" Amari asked shyly. The young man chuckled and smirked then gave him a twirl.

"It's all right. Just follow my lead", the handsome young man said. With that, Amari melted into his arms and swayed gracefully. Oohs and Aahs came from the crowd as they basked in the eloquence of the first dance.

All eyes were on them. He could feel the weight of their stares right on his back. The prince took notice of this nervousness and asked if they could step away from the ballroom for a moment.

Outside on a balcony, away from the deafening chatter and melodious tunes, they took a seat and gazed upon the stars. Amari was still uneasy. This wasn't part of the plan and time was going to waste. He needed a distraction, quickly.

"Is something the matter?" he asked breaking Amari from his train of thought.

"I..beg your pardon?"

"It's just that you're sitting right next to me yet I feel you're so far I can barely reach you", he confessed. Amari didn't mean to. In a different world, he would have been invested in this conversation but his situation in this world wouldn't allow him. The prince was very handsome. Anyone would be lucky to have him. He was charming, sweet, caring, soft-spoken, and wasn't afraid to share what he felt. The latter is a quality most men lack or are taught to lack.

"Forgive me, your grace", he began. "I'm just nervous that's all. I did not mean to dismiss your presence"

The prince smiled and accepted his apology. They ended up talking throughout the entire ball. Amari found himself mesmerized by how passionate prince Nicholas was. His passion for his kingdom and love for horse riding and cooking was so attractive to him. They had more in common than they thought. Even though they felt trapped in their respective worlds, they were both willing to make a change for the better.

"Not too long ago, someone told me that if I truly wanted to change things for the better, I should be ready to take the first step. I didn't mind it until recently - I'm glad I did", Amari said.

"I'm glad you did too", the prince said. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you hide your face?"

Amari's eyes grew wide. He was stumped and at a loss for words. What was he to say? Should he come clean? What would the prince think if he realizes he's been deceived? A million thoughts rushed through his mind in mere minutes.

"You're such a mystery even after our lengthy conversation. I'd like to know you more. For instance, your name", Prince Nicholas said.

"My name is-", Amari began but was cut short when the clock struck twelve. The ball was over. Where had the time gone? He jolted out of the seat. Just then, he saw the Rosegoodes' carriages leaving. He had wasted enough time. He didn't even get to meet Evangeline.

"I have to go", he said in haste as he ran towards the ballroom. The prince held his arm once more.

"Already? You haven't even told me your name".

"Perhaps another time. I need to get going", Amari begged. He couldn't risk letting him know his identity. He didn't want to deceive him anymore. It was enough that he thought he was a woman. I can't give him a fake name or my real name, he thought.

"Will I see you again? What about tomorrow? How will I know it's you", the prince asked.

"I'll have this locket on", he replied as he showed him the ruby locket. "As long as you see this, know that it's me". After that, the prince let him go and he ran as fast as his feet could take him. He managed to get to the main entrance rather swiftly. How was he going to make it home on time?

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