♕ Prologue ♔

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There's only three things you need to know about me:

First, I am tired of being the second choice. Second, I pour out my kindness to people who do not deserve it one bit. And Third...
I still believe that there is true love out there. It just takes me a hard time believing in people.

I'm not trying to be dramatic or portray myself purely innocent. But I certainly deserved better than this.

"Why are you crying?", Callum leaned closer to me with a resentful look on his face. There's no sympathy left in him.

You have the audacity to ask me that after I clearly caught you cheating on me?! Not just once but multiple times?! Do you know how much I am suffering because of you?!

I have so much to say that I can't let a single word out. I want to yell and express my feelings I have been burying for so long.

This is how it always goes. I confront him, he plays the victim, makes me feel guilty, I give him the silent treatment and I end up as the bad person in this relationship.

He runs his fingers through his ruffled brown hair as he gives me a pitiful look. It's even worse than the resentful one, "You did this to yourself, Psalm."

My fault? Perhaps, yes I take part in the hurting for still loving him the same.

It hurts knowing that this was the man I gave my whole love just to be trampled on and tossed away, after him becoming a rich businessman.

I had enough.

With my heart shattered to pieces and lips trembling, I firmly keep my blurry eyes on him, "I c-can't do t-this anymore..."

"Do what?", He impatiently asks. His eyes soften as he tries to grab my clenched hand, "Psalm, you have to tell me whats up. Not telling me is just as bad as lying. If you won't communicate with me this relationship will fall apart."

If he only knew. It fell a long time ago.

I keep my eyes on him and breathe in, "Let's break up."

I never thought this day would ever come. I finally let go of the man I planned my whole life with and sacrificed so much for.

The unbelief on his face is clear. He tries to comprehend what just happened and let's out a little laughter, "Come again? I think I didn't hear right-"

"Callum", I shake my head and gulp hard, "It's over."

He shows vulnerability and fury at the same time, "After all these years you want to break up? I gave you everything I had! And You are rejecting me?" His hands are placed to his chest.

This time I do not hold back, "We both know that I made more sacrifices than you did for me."

I can see the disbelief in his eyes as he throws his arms in the air. He doesn't release his pierce eyes off me, "You ruined everything, Psalm."

My tears roll down as I shake in anger, "Me? I caught you sleeping around! I-I even forgave you! And what did you do?! You did it over and over again! "

He pinches his nose bridge as he sighs outloud, "We had this conversation long time ago. Do you really think that little of me?"

He's turning the tables!

It takes me all my strength to prevent slapping him as I stand up, "Stop gaslighting me! You know exactly what you have done!"

His nose flares up as he furiously throws the folders off the desk, causing me to flinch a little, " Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? You're nobody, do you hear me?! A Nobody! "

He finally showed his true colors, giving me a hint to leave for good.

"Don't you dare walk out of that door", he whispers in a dangerous tone. His green eyes remain on me.

I don't hesitate and turn my back at him, "I wish I have never met you."

It was a half truth and half a lie. He was the best and worse thing that happened to me.

With that sentence, I leave his place. I hear things getting tossed and smashed around. I feel the pain in my chest, the warmth of my tears on my cheek and the thick lump on my throat.

It's over. 5 years of suffering.

I have never felt so miserable and relieved at the same time...

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