Hitohito: who is it?

Alice: you'll see.

Hitohito waited for a whole minute trying to get a glimpse of who it was about, to his surprise his eyes widened once he saw it was none other than his enemy.

Hitohito: Nakamura.

Alice: it's not a surprise he's here.

Hitohito: eh?

Alice: he always comes to events like this to do a little "charity donation" while he just wants to gain enough popularity.

Hitohito: for what?

Alice: my father told me that he plans to run for prime minister next year.

Hitohito: eh?!

Alice: you might want to write that.

Hitohito: oh right!

Naoki: do my eyes deceive me? Alice my dear is that you?

Alice: Nakamura-san, a pleasure to see you (not). This is my date Tadano Hitohito.

Hitohito: good evening Nakamura-san, a pleasure to meet you.

Naoki: it's a pleasure to see you too, tell me where's your father? I was hoping to see him tonight and talk about my offer.

Alice: he and my mom are out of the country, but knowing my dad, he would probably refuse it.

Naoki: haha I figured, well I'll just have to wait until you take over the family business.

Alice: you sure you can wait that long?

Naoki: I am know for having a lot of patience Alice, but that's going to be a talk for another time. I must greet other guests.

Alice: be my guest, enjoy the gala.

Naoki: likewise -leaves-.

Hitohito: ...... you know Nakamura?

Alice: he's been trying to buy the company for a while now.

Hitohito: really?

Alice: well after all my father develops a technology far more advanced than Nakamura.

Hitohito: and Naoki wants to get his hands on that.

Alice: correct, but he's just wasting his time. -looks at her watch- the ceremony will begin soon, we should get to our table.

Hitohito: got it.

While Alice and Hitohito were waiting at their table for the event to start, the armed goons infiltrated the facility disguised as the staff. Taking out some security guards quietly in the process.

Goon 1: get in your positions, we can't afford to screw up.

Group: yes sir!

As the event went by smoothly it was now Alice's turn to receive the prize on behalf of her father.

She got to the podium taking the prize and making a big speech.

Alice: I want to thank you all, this prize not only shows what my father has achieved but also the trust he gained throughout the years. I hope that one day Yamada Enterprises may achieve the technology that will help millions of lives.

Hitohito: (I wonder what kind of things will Yamada come up with.)

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a very suspicious conversation.

Goon 3: -whispering- now?

Goon 4: -whispering- now.

A few moments later the lights went out causing everyone to panic, the situation got worse when one of the armed goons shoot at the ceiling with a rifle, and the rest followed.

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