Chapter 6 ( Gambling is a dangerous thing, especially if you lose)

Start from the beginning

“Yes. I have homework to do.”

“Too bad you’re getting an F.”

“What, why?” I raised a brow.

“Because you can’t finish on time.”

“Oh really and why’s that?”

“Because you’re coming with me.”

“No I’m not.”

“I don’t take no for and answer.”

I hesitated.

“Only if you let me drive the silver beauty.”

“Aston! No, never.”

“Then sorry.”

I knew he would have never taken the offer.

“Okay wait. Do you know to drive?”

Is he going to let me drive? I didn’t see that coming.

“Yeah I got a license. But no car.”

“I’ll let you drive but if you’re not sure…”

“I can drive it?” A big smile came upon my face. I’m going to drive an Aston martin.

“Yeah but…”

I jumped happy grabbing the keys from his hand and I almost hugged him. Almost.

“You are the best.”

I ran towards the car and unlocked it. It’s going to be the best day ever.

After he was in too I asked.

“Where are we going?”

“Just drive a few blocks away from the amusement park.”


He looked petrified while I started the car. “Relax J.D. I’m not going to let anything happen to the car. It’s too much of a value to me.”

I smiled and started driving.

After twenty minutes of hearing J.D screaming to watch where I’m driving and me not caring I parked in front of a building.

“I love this car.”

“I’m alive.” Was all J.D could say.

“Hah. What was that?”

“I’m alive…You’re driving like a mad person.”

“But did you die? No, so payback’s a bitch.” I winked thinking about the way he drove me the first time. The tables have turned.

“You will twist everything against me.”

“And I’ll love it.” I smiled and got out of the car handing J.D the keys.

“So where exactly are we going?”

“We are going to have some fun. And like I said I have few ideas to sort things out between us.”

I raised a brow.

“What’s in this building?”

“It’s not what’s inside. It’s what's behind the building.”

After we went behind the building I saw nothing. Exactly nothing. There were bushes everywhere and a lot of trees.

“Are you ready to get your ass kicked.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Suddenly the bushes moved.

“Holly crap.” Oh no I didn’t.

When I saved the bad boy (2016)Where stories live. Discover now