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Note: I came back earlier than I expected,  but I can't promise daily updates.

Tw: Violence

Sophie had been leaving the window open in her personal room so she could receive the letters from her friends. She ordered everyone to stay out of her room unless she ordered them to come.

Nobody suspected anything, since this was common. Nobody except those sisters. But they didn't dare question her in her face, especially with their brother around.

The coronation festivities lasted two weeks, and then came the sisters' birthday. It wasn't as festive as before, and all the nobles paid more attention to their new queen, and imitating her fashion choices, rather than the birthday people.

The day after the coronation was memorable, but hopefully it wouldn't reach the public, Sophie thought. What if Agatha found out?

The "surprise" for Japeth was eliminating the caretakers who were hurting him. Lady Lesso didn't think it was something a child should see, but Sophie didn't really care. Japeth seemed to like those things anyway, observing him play with Aric.

Rafal had brought Japeth in the throne room. The lady from yesterday and a few others were desperate and afraid. The lady glanced towards her former charge.

"Wouldn't you like these people to disappear?"

"Yes. They hurt me a lot." The lady smiled. "Me, at least, Japeth. You were always fond of me." Her tone of voice indicated she was desperate and afraid. She would be nice to Japeth to save her skin.

Rafal laughed with contempt. "Trying to save yourself, aren't you? Japeth, they aren't going to hurt you anymore."


"Really. Remember all those games you like to play? With swords and magic? You'll see how it's done for real." Japeth's eyes widened. Sophie frowned. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to get blood all over me."

"You won't have to." Sophie backed away. She didn't really care about these people. They seemed to be horrible, hurting a child, anyway.

Rafal had beheaded one of them, and then magically killed the others, shooting at the heart. Blood was all over the marble throne room floor, and Sophie was actually surprised Japeth didn't scream or cry. He was just watching. The guards were as impassive as ever.

Then came the woman from the day before.

She turned to Sophie and begged her to spare her life. The spectators went silent. Rafal stared at her. The law was if the queen had decided to save another's life, with the exception of treason, that person could live, even very released.

"I don't know her. Just kill her off, already. I don't want someone like her lurking around this castle."

"Of course, my Queen."

This was the last and most brutal of the executions. She had an axe thrown at her head, and she bled to death. Aric wanted to see, but his mother kept him away. Everyone was ordered away, and commanded to keep quiet. After that, the whole court was all smiles with little Japeth.

Finally, there came a time where Rafal had to go to some other part of the kingdom to put down some revolt. As Sophie would be left behind to be his regent, she planned to see Agatha somewhere. At least her best friend. It would help with feeling lonely.

She wrote to Agatha, expressing her plan. Agatha seemed to agree to it, as long as they would meet somewhere secret, and Sophie wouldn't show her off to her new court friends.

At the departure, Sophie had to keep Japeth company so he didn't cause a scene. Se even had to restrain him when he was running among the carriages. He went outside and tried to go too, but he was told he had to stay behind. Rafal promised it wouldn't be long, that he would give him a gift, and that Sophie would play with him, so Japeth seemed appeased.

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