Her Revenge

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Warning: This part is bloody and has violence, so if you aren't comfortable, please don't read.

Sophie woke up to disaster. She heard noises outside, but she had assumed they were from the executions that took place daily. She never guessed what it actually was. She decided to come to the school talk to Agatha about what happened, and to organize an escape. When she arrived there, she asked for Clarissa Dovey, but she was told, "She went to the execution, Your Majesty."

"What execution? Professor Dovey is here to teach, I believe. Not waste time watching criminals die." Sophie continued, "And besides, she wouldn't like watching those things at all. Don't you know how bloody it gets?" She didn't get the answers she wanted, at least not from the first year she asked. She got it from her irate friends.

"You betrayed her!" screamed Tedros. "After all she did for you. How selfish can you be? I know you're supposed to be Evil. But even people on Evil's side have been loyal. More loyal than you!"

"I don't even know what you're talking about, Tedros!" retorted Sophie. "Is it Aggie? I wouldn't betray her again. Not after... the past." Tedros snorted. "Yeah. Isn't that what you always say? But no. It's not Agatha. It's Lady Lesso. She's dead."

Sophie stood there, with eyes widened.  She felt as if she was kicked in the gut. She couldn't say a thing. Tedros' words cut like knives. The fact was, Sophie usually let others fight for themselves while she fled to safety, without much guilt. But she had been trying to save Lady Lesso. And now her friends wouldn't believe her, and would hate her. Dovey. What would she say now that her best friend was dead?

"I didn't do it, Teddy.  I promise. I tried to save her! I really--" Tedros shook his head, glaring at her. "Do you think I'm going to believe that? Those words coming from the mouth of the same girl who tried to drive me and Agatha apart? The same one who put a love spell on me during our first year? The same one who tried to kill Agatha out of jealousy? The witch?"

"Look who's talking.  Mr. I Have Trust Issues. It's not my fault that your mother had the nerve to marry the wrong person or run away with that dirty beast. It's not my fault your father died a failure." At her last words, Tedros stared at her, with pain and shock in his blue eyes.

Sophie was sorry for hurting his feelings, but she wouldn't take back what she said. She was being honest after all. "I wonder if your child will be just as bad as you are. Child of the Witch of Woods Beyond and a murderous son of a demon. I wouldn't want my daughter around them, to be honest," he said with thinly veiled anger.

Sophie stared at him, mouth agape. "What is going on here? You two fighting?" It was Agatha. "Tedros, can't you and Sophie get along for two minutes?" He turned to her, and pulled her closer to him. "Unfortunately, Sophie makes it difficult."

Agatha shook her head. "What did you say this time? Sophie? Are you listening?" She wasn't. She couldn't look at her best friend in the eye. It was over.

"I came here to talk with you about ways  to save Lady Lesso, but she's dead. It's too late. I was too late." Sophie surprisingly kept her composure. "And I know you won't believe me, Aggie, because of what I am. I didn't want her to die. I never signed her death warrant."

Agatha's eyes softened. "I know it wasn't you." Tedros scoffed. "You really trust her?" She turned to him. "Sophie is my best friend.  Of course I trust her. And I'm trying not to bring up what happened in the past because it's not getting us anywhere. I think it only makes Sophie worse."

"I will snap the necks of whoever so blatantly disobeyed my orders! I never signed a death warrant. I never ordered her execution." Agatha didn't even flinch. She probably already knew her friend's rages. "I will slit their throats. How dare they defy their own queen! After all I have done to improve the kingdom--"

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