The Royal Wedding and the Coronation

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Tedros was holding baby Callis, hoping she wouldn't suffer this forever. She was a princess, and she belonged to Camelot. She didn't deserve any of this.

Tedros wasn't angry with his mother anymore because he was past all that. But still, he resolved not to abandon her or her mother like Guinevere did to him. Tedros wouldn't turn to drinking or other vices just to deal with his problems. He wouldn't do that to his daughter, no matter how imperfect he was.

He was afraid to leave her alone for a while, just to see Sophie, but Guinevere offered to take care of her. Tedros hoped Merlin would keep his distance during the ceremony instead of causing a scene. Then again, Merlin wouldn't endanger them.


Sophie was nervous and tired the day before the wedding. Lady Lesso kept going over the laws, rules, and history of Calmaria, which was a lot. Sophie heard about the previous queen. She was said to be very pretty, but also cruel, and didn't seem to care about her family. She died in the Great War because of an accident from the soldiers. She was standing on the balcony, and a spear was shot through her heart.

Agatha wondered if it was really an accident when she heard about it in history. Sophie hoped that wouldn't happen to her. Sophie asked Rafal what he felt about it, but he said he didn't really know. He didn't seem to care much. He certainly didn't react the same as when Rhian was mentioned. Sophie wondered if Rhian was the only family member Rafal truly loved before the war.

Sophie asked a lot about him. In the beginning, Rafal would refuse to answer. Eventually, she was able to piece things together: Rafal thought of Rhian as narcissistic and self-righteous, and he seemed not to regret killing him. Sophie wondered if there was something deeper than just fighting for power. Hatred? Jealousy?

Rafal had showed her the tower where the Storian was. Sophie had tried to turn back the page and got stabbed instead.

"It always does that," said Rafal. "Annoying, isn't it?" Sophie rolled her eyes and cradled her wounded hand. "I didn't know it was aggressive." Rafal shrugged. "It just is. It also has preferences. It doesn't like me. At least, not yet." He smiled. "Are you excited tomorrow?"

"I'm excited for my coronation. And yes, tomorrow too." Sophie turned to Rafal, grinning cheekily. "What was that noise yesterday? It keeps happening." He stared at her. "I'm sorry. What noise?"

"The yelling," she snapped. "Don't you wake up in the middle of the night because of that obnoxious screaming?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't hear it. It's probably because I'm busy or asleep. But I hear that Lady Lesso's son tends to yell a lot. He came some time ago."

"Will your son be that way?" She put special emphasis to make it clear how she felt about it. Rafal hesitated. "Well, according to Armand, my sisters, and those who care for Japeth, he is very difficult. I wouldn't know, though."

"Difficult in what way?" she asked sharply. 

"Apparently, he has rages, which I'm not too scared of because he's just a child. He was very possessive of Evelyn, but she didn't pay him much attention, I hear. Nobody seems to like Japeth. Everyone who knows him calls him a monster, a demon, et cetera. Disgusting, isn't it, how these 'Good' people treat a child?"

Sophie sighed. "What about the other one? The Rhian one? Also, why did you name him after the very person--"

"I didn't name him that. Evelyn did. Just to get back at me," he replied sourly. "I heard he was an obedient and bright child. Again, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen either of them in forever."

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