The Plan pt 3

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Tedros still hadn't made any headway with the throne dispute. People now refused to acknowledge him, claiming it was fate and they were better off without him. Tedros wanted to scream whenever they mentioned how good and kind Leo was. Couldn't the people see the truth? Couldn't they see their real king was here, and ready to fight with them? This Leo person couldn't be related to Tedros.

And yet, how on earth was he able to pull Excalibur out from the stone?

The King of Calmaria didn't really seem to care who ruled or not, just as long as he could get an alliance. He probably knew the truth, especially after the incident at the coronation. The Prince (as of now) had to admit that Camelot had been starting to flourish ever since his "contributions." He heard they were starting to rebuild the palace, and judging from the plans, it would be a much more magnificent castle than the one burned to ashes.

Most likely, it would have magic now too. Arthur banned it, but why should it be prohibited now that he was dead?

In addition, Tedros was starting to get worried about certain rumors about all the kingdoms and rings. They were originally rings to prove allegiance to the Storian. Something was going around about burning them, all for the boy king. He could control the Pen once all rings were destroyed, and even make his own stories. He would have all the power.  Dot's father, the Sheriff, had a ring. Maybe Dot could persuade him not to do it.  Tedros questioned if Calmaria would continue it's alliance when it found out Camelot's attitude towards the very Pen that kept the stability not only of the Woods but their kingdom.

The only relief he had during these stressful times was spending time with his family.  One example was Callis'  first birthday, and she had a little party with Prince Hadrian, the Coven, and even Guinevere and Lancelot. Merlin (and his hat) and Dot provided the cake, the candies, and the food. Callis and Hadrian were starting to eat the cake before the candles were lighted and blown out. Agatha was really fussy that day. She was worried the babies would get a stomach ache. Yet, she herself enjoyed the food present. She might have eaten more cake than the birthday girl did.

Sophie wasn't too happy about her son eating cake, claiming it was unhealthy and of course, she refused to eat a piece herself. She did eat some cucumber salad, though.

Tedros didn't think Hadrian was as bad as he expected him to be. The way he looked at people was creepy, though. Just staring into their souls, it almost seemed. He certainly didn't get it from Sophie. Also, though Tedros didn't know if it was just that Hadrian was still very little, he seemed very quiet.

Agatha had observed that Sophie had grown very attached to her son, though she might not wanted to admit it.

"After all, she does things a servant or a nanny could easily do. Like bringing Hadrian over here, for example."

"She could just be doing it for you, Agatha," Tedros responded. "She doesn't respond the same way to Prince Japeth and despises the other children of her kingdom. Even the children of Gavaldon."

Agatha put her hand in Tedros'. "I really think you should give her the benefit of the doubt." Tedros rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know she isn't perfect and she has caused a lot of trouble," said Agatha, raising her voice. "But we need her to help us. And Sophie is my best friend. She does care for you, of that I am sure, even if she doesn't always show it."

"She certainly doesn't show it often."

"Well, why do you think so? You do have a short temper. Admit it." She kissed his cheek. "She's helping us now, even though she can possibly be in danger of losing her throne."

Tedros snorted. "I wonder if her husband wants to be best friends now with my kingdom, now that it's threatening his position. Hort told me that possibly Rafal is not only doing it for himself, but he plans to give Camelot to Japeth. His illegitimate son."

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