The Plan part 2

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warning: This mentions some violence.

Agatha was watching over Sophie's son this time. The new nanny wasn't bad, but she usually was too drunk to watch the children of the household. Thus, Japeth and Aric got away with playing rough with Hadrian. He didn't mind it until they started actually hurting him, and he'd be screaming . Sometimes, Rafal would come in, and scold Japeth, but after he left, it started again.

Hadrian preferred being with Agatha, since she was very protective and kind with him. Lord Benoit found him playing with Callis with some blocks. At this point, he could already start to walk. The two babies were babbling unintelligible words to each other. Armand wanted them both to choke on the blocks they were playing with.

"I see Queen Sophie isn't here. That's too bad. I had something quite important to tell her." Agatha glanced at him, with distrust. She knelt down, and gathered the two children in her arms.

"Sophie is taking a nap, I believe. She just returned from Camelot."

The man smiled at her. "I see how it is. Promptly forgetting her child, hmm? That's how it always is. Why have your child at your side when someone else can take them?" His eyes became somewhat sad. "My mother was an exception. She was a noblewoman, and had many things to do, granted, but..." He paused. "She always made time for me. She taught me herself until she died. I didn't really need a tutor or anything like that at all when I was young. My mother was very intelligent."

Agatha's face held some pity. "I'm sorry about your mother. I can relate to that because my mother is dead. I still miss her. That's why I named my daughter after her."

"Thank you, but I hope you know the person responsible for her death was the mother of your friend's husband." His eyes darkened, and he had some sick, sadistic grin on his face while looking at Hadrian. "Between you and me, it should have been him dead in that war. Green eyes are more endurance than that witch who thought she could take Lady Benoit's place. She was so pathetic she had to resort to murder to rid of her.
"And that wasn't the only thing. She killed my cousins and my little sister because they wanted to speak out against her, and my sister didn't like her."

Agatha wanted to vomit. How sick the people of this kingdom really were.

"But why do you work for the very person you hate? It makes no sense."

"It makes very much sense.... Your Highness." He laughed when she looked up at him with annoyance. "I am working for him because it helps my gain. And I can get closer to revenge."

"Yeah, whatever."

But Armand wasn't joking. He was being serious. Whenever Rafal even considered letting him go, all Lord Benoit had to do was bring Rhian up. If Rhian saw that Rafal wasn't fulfilling what he promised, he could punish him and his family. He may be "just a ghost" but spirits could still cause damage. They could cause more harm than living people even. And why wouldn't Rhian avenge himself?

Although Rafal acted like he didn't care, Armand knew his words held weight with him.

Armand could get revenge on the Queen by killing her son's family, after each member served their purpose. He would murder Rafal himself once the Storian was weakened.

"What a lovely conversation we had, Your Highness. Please tell your husband, the Prince, I send my greetings."

He left.

He had a plan. Many plans.

In order for Rhian Sader-Mistral to enjoy the truth of One True King, he needed to marry Sophie, who had special blood. The obstacles were obvious. Sophie was already married to Rafal, and any children she had by him could not marry Rhian for clear reasons. Armand either wanted to find cause of annulment for Rafal and Sophie, or kill Rafal, which was much more difficult. Hadrian had to die. He wanted Camelot to forget Sophie ever had a son. Sophie had immortality herself now, after all. Once everything was put into place, she could be Rhian's bride without either of them knowing the truth. Japeth would have the crown of Calmaria taken away from him because of his illegitimate status, or maybe even because of Sophie, who would be some sort of regent. Japeth would be the violent Snake he was trained to be. And Aric. Armand would ask Otto to take Aric into his care and help him. Professer Dovey was a possible threat.

Aric would be taught to hate his mother and join Armand's side. That would be very easy.

The other obstacle was more difficult. Tedros, Agatha, their daughter, and anybody who supported them had to go. They couldn't stay alive. Merlin had few years of life, considering his age.. perhaps that could be a start.

Sophie had woken up already and went to see Hadrian, and talk to Agatha of course. Armand couldn't help smiling. 

Sophie would soon be holding a little corpse. 

The previous Queen had deprived a son of a mother. He would deprive the current Queen of a son.

A perfect revenge.

Magical Crowns (SGE AU fan fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें