New Plans

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Tedros heard some people already started burning their rings. He wouldn't burn his, that was for sure. He glanced at his daughter playing with Hadrian. They were now hiding under a blanket fort, giggling. Tedros pretended to not know where they were, and got them out of the fort, making them laugh. Agatha was away for a while, and Sophie had been gone for two hours, traveling to Camelot to "discuss" matters there. It unfortunately burned again, and for some time, there was tension between Calmaria and Camelot because King Rafal was accused of starting it out of spite. Later on, the council apologized for their behavior, as there was no true evidence to justify their suspicions.

They decided to arrange a meeting to show their desire for reconciliation, and Sophie left Hadrian and Japeth to Tedros and Agatha's care. She wasn't a fan of their nanny, and didn't trust her to care for the children for several days.

When they were being dropped off, Tedros met Rafal. He didn't understand why two infants needed their own guards, especially as they would stay with people that could be trusted. Rafal only narrowed his eyes in suspicion and refused to call off the guards. Then, he received a million instructions on how to take care of Japeth and Hadrian, which he personally didn't think was necessary. He thought it was better for them to learn for themselves, and do their own thing. He let Callis nap and go to bed whenever she wanted to, when Agatha wasn't there, of course.

"Is all this necessary? They seem better off without any of that" he said, glancing at the princes. Rafal glared at him. "Don't tell me you would be stupid enough to disobey me. I have reasons why I'm telling you all this. For example, Japeth gets extremely irritable when he doesn't have his naps, and he's more prone to throw a fit."

"I'm not stupid. I'm not the one supporting a fake king and thinking that would actually help me."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The guards behind Rafal slightly pointed their spears at Tedros, watching him closely.

"I am the king of Camelot. The real lion," retorted Tedros. "And it isn't just what I think. It's the truth."

If Tedros expected Rafal to be impressed, or moved in any way, he was sorely disappointed. Rafal laughed at him with ill concealed scorn. Tedros turned red. This was too much for his pride.

"What a joke. I didn't think you were that stupid. I gave you credit, because your wife is a clever one, and I thought you were just putting on a show so people wouldn't suspect you. But no, you are more dumb than I thought you were. I can't believe Sophie was in love with you at one point."

"I can't believe Sophie is in love with you. You're a bloodthirsty, monstrous cheat, doing anything for yourself and your crown, whether that's lying, standing for liars, or murder." Sophie turned from playing with her son to her husband and friend, arguing. "Teddy, if you're still bitter about not being a king, all I have to say is, well, maybe it was better."

"I didn't ask your opinion," he snapped. "I feel bad for your children to be honest."

Rafal grinned at him. "I honestly feel the same about your daughter and your wife. Having such a blind and almost useless man for a father and a husband." Tedros stared at him, shocked. "It's not like Agatha would ever care about you," he shot back. "Unless.." he paused, thinking for a moment.

"Unless what they said actually was true."

Rafal took Sophie's arm, and headed out. "Well, I don't care about whatever nonsense you're talking about, so I'll go now. See you at Camelot, Your Majesty.

Tedros wanted to bite back, but he had no response. He was probably overthinking, but what if Rafal was implying Agatha didn't truly love him, and had someone else in her heart. It wasn't impossible. His father married the wrong woman. Sometimes, Tedros had doubts about him and Agatha, but he never dared tell her. Especially not when they were already in a stressful situation, and when she'd been helping him so much. Callis interrupted his thoughts, begging him to play with her. He pointed to little Japeth. "Let's meet a new friend. Prince Jasper."

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