chapter eighteen

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Alejandro's pov

Millions of thoughts had run through my head as I watched through the glass windows at my girlfriend, laughing with another guy. I knew that was her boss but the way they looked together, they looked more cozy than I had thought. I trust her obviously but I couldn't help but watch and feel something beneath me boil as I watch them connect so easily.

Stepping through the doors they don't seem to notice me so I make my way towards the counter and call her name.

That's when she sees me.

"Alejandro? What are you doing here?" She seems surprised to see me and I guess it was a surprise, I just showed up out of nowhere. But it was no excuse for this to be matter what it was.

"I'm..just checking in. I didn't know if you made it to work okay-"

"Ah. You must be the boyfriend" the guy next to her speaks and I could feel myself go stiff, fists curling up tightly. Who the fuck is this guy? Hes scrawny, skinny and thin. Dark blue eyes flash my way as he smiles, holding out his hand. I didn't like him already, I could tell his intentions with her and I knew I could feel myself becoming angrier by the second.

Why would she work here? This is who she went out with? What else happened?

"Yeah...who are you?" I tried not to sound so hostile but it came out rougher than I thought.

"The boss" he laughs and I can't help but feel angrier as I watch him, knowing this is the guy who works with my fucking girlfriend.

"Anna can I talk to you outside?".

She senses the energy and nods, following me as we make our way towards my car.

It's early and cold and its too early for me to be upset but I am, I would never get jealous but when a guy is working so closely with Anna, and only them I felt something snap.

"What the fuck?" I whirl around on her and she's taken back, her eyes wide completely.

"What? What's wrong?".

"What's wrong? It's you and that guy in this tiny ass shop, and your all laughing and giggly with him...what the fuck?".

"Seriously it's...nothing what do you mean? He's a friend and my boss. Nothing happens or is gonna happen between I not allowed to laugh?" She jokes and I I felt like I couldn't control myself, because the next thing I knew I was in front of her face, inches away, my hands balled into my sides from reaching out.

"No. You don't work with someone like him....his intentions are pretty clear and if you can't see that than your fucking blind Anna. I don't want you working with him.. at all. "

She could sense how angry I was, something flashing in her eyes. Fear..she we afraid of me right this second..and yet I didn't care anymore. I had attached myself to her and loved her more than anything, and I didn't want her with anyone else, especially not him.

End of discussion.

"You trust me huh? It shows" she takes a step back and shakes her head, walking back into the shop. my anger boils through the roof and I turn around, slamming my fist into the first thing I could see. My car. The metal hits my hand harder than I thought, the sting tingling my whole body. I let the pain comfort my body as I hiss, watching as my knuckles become red by the minute, my eyes burning with hatred. I needed to know more about him, and I knew just the place.

It's crazy what you could find on the Internet, especially on the dark web. Lots of interesting facts about him and his father. Twenty-two years old, graduated from Stanford university early, is an only child, his father is super rich and bought him that shop to get him a job, he's been working there for years and apparently their business is doing really well. Good for him honestly...but I only did this to make sure my girlfriend was safe. But by today I knew I was still furious with her, very. And I would deal with her when I got home.

The car ride was silent after I picked her up from work, the only sound was the humming of the engine. She sat still, watching me from the corner of her eye. I could still feel myself fuming, so instead of going home I park the car by the side of the road towards our house and wait. Turning the car keys I sit and wait, wait for my anger to leave.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Her voice wasn't soft, but louder, firm. I didn't know what game she was playing, but she was playing with fire.

"Jealous? Of what?" I didn't mean to be harsh but it came out as a bitter comment.

"Of...who I work with. You think something is going on don't you?".

I shake my head, curling my fists into my lap.

"I'm not jealous. He knows you're mine, and you know it".

She turns in her seat, turning to face me. Her eyes are dark, heavy, dangerous. She's got a look in her eyes that I've never seen before and it fuels the fire thats rising in my body.

"I know you're mine...but I need...proof".

She shifts in her seat and suddenly she's climbing on top of me, settling right in my lap. Luckily there's enough room for us both but I couldn't concentrate on anything but the feel of her, how warm and easy she fits in my lap, how her hips are raised slightly, as if she thinks she could hurt me and yet she's careful to watch out.

"Anna...I'm still very upset with this I don't like this idea of you..." I speak but even then it comes out as a soft whisper as she leans forward and presses a warm kiss against my neck, her hands running up my shirt. Her fingers feel like fire on my bare chest, a growl escaping my lips. I wanted to focus that anger into something else, and I had hoped to.

"I love working with him...he's so...kind and helpful....and strong" she whispers and I could feel my anger rise, growling in response as I dig my fingers into her waist, gripping her down further into my lap. My lips find hers in an instant, running my tongue over her bottom lip. Her fingers dig through my hair and it feels like heaven, her fingers small and warm against my scalp. I could feel my possessiveness overcome me, control me. Grabbing a hold of her neck I pull her down into me, kissing her roughly.

"Alejandro..." She moans as I run my tongue up her throat, tasting her sweet skin. I didn't get over this, not yet. I was angry but I didn't wanna be too rough with her. Not yet.

Grabbing the bottom of her shirt I pull it over her head, staring straight at her bare chest. She was beautiful, so beautiful. Everything fit her so perfectly and I loved staring at her especially like this. Cupping her breast I lean down and swirl my tongue over her completely, earning a moan from her once again. Her moans sent vibrations down my body and I could feel myself growing hotter by the minute.

Suddenly a phone rings and she pulls away, breathless.

"'s dad" she huffs out and takes a deep breath, trying to cover up the fact that she's completely out of breath.

When she takes a second she answers her phone, putting it to her ear.


Her dad speaks and I hear how he sounds, upset, frantic.

Her face changes into worry and I know something is wrong.

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