chapter five

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After saying goodbye to Carol, Alejandro shows up a little bit later, apologizing for being late, he had work and I didn't mind. Carol and me cleaning was quick and easy so I'm glad it was me and her.

He steps into the house and inhales a deep breath, nodding in approval.

" chemicals...I love it" he chuckled and I nod, looking around the clean and empty house, already happy to have it as our own.

"What's next for the house?".

"Just some fresh coats of paint, some vacuuming...and furniture" I smile and he nods, grabbing onto my waist and pulling me into him.

"Its... perfect.. you're perfect" he kisses me softly and slowly, and time seems to slow as our lips touch, his arms curling around me protectively. It lasts for a few seconds before he pulls away, nipping at my lip gently.

"You smell of cars" I tell him breathlessly, kissing him always made me breathless...him as well I'm guessing by his heartbeat.

"I didn't shower...I wanted to be here to see the house" he nods around and I smile appreciatively, knowing he would stay smelly and dirty just for me...that... nevermind.

"Okay so... should we get started with the furniture? We already have the first piece".

He nods at the TV on the floor.

"That was nice of her, I'm glad she's always looking out for you...not as much as me but eh she's a close second" he smiles and I laugh, knowing he was right in a sort of way.

"We can always figure this out tomorrow babe. You need a shower and so do I, I'm a bit tired to be honest....we can ask my dad to help tomorrow" I tell him and he stiffens a bit but I notice it before he relaxes.


"I just..I wanna do this you know? I don't mind the help but I wanna do this for us both...if that's okay" he smiles sheepishly and he looks so cute hiding the fact that he wants to be my hero.

"Aww...look at you trying to impress me" I cup his face in my hands and he nods, bumping his nose with mine.

"Didn't I already?".

And I nod because he did, always has.

It was ten pm by the time we left the furniture store, Alejandro's truck filled with a stand for the tv, not too big but not small either. Big enough for the tv anyway, a dining table, set with four chairs, a dark shade of brown. He didn't care which color but I wanted our house to match, I didn't want it all different shades. Lastly we had bought a few mini things like a microwave since the house didn't have one which wasn't a surprise, and two nightstands for the bedroom. This was going to be a pain to carry but I didn't care, I loved it all. I just hoped it fit well. We did also manage to find a vacuum at a different store so that's better than nothing.

Reaching home before anything I vacuum each room first before setting anything down. After I finish I set the vacuum in the hallway closet . Next Alejandro carries the stand inside, placing in the living room in the middle of the floor, while I grab the tv and set it on top. It did fit well and looked fancy in fact.

Helping with the rest of the stuff, everything fit as perfectly as I pictured. Alejandro didn't have any thoughts but he did help me shift things that looked crooked so that's a start. I didn't want to do this on my own, I wanted his input too. It was our house, both of ours to change or fix.

"Well?" I ask him and he looks around, ponders for a bit before turning back to me and smiling wildly.

"I love it...but not as much as I love you".

"I know....we've got more work to do..but it's a start....I love you so much more" I tell him and kiss him passionately, pulling him in my arms. Everything felt so quick, but being with him, kissing him in this moment felt slow and I didn't want it to end.

My dad didn't mind I was back home, he said I could stay as long as I needed to get our house in order. Helen was gone and I could tell by the sudden shift in my dad's tone he was off but I knew my dad, he would always come to me when he needed. I didn't want to push him, sometimes people need their own space.

After eating a yummy pasta for dinner and showering after Alejandro we were here in bed, Alejandro holding me in his arms as he sung a beautiful melody to me.

He was such a beautiful singer, he had choir during high school and developed a talent for singing, and I used it to my advantage all the time, asking him to sing for me whenever he could. It hit my heart a lot of the time, swaying me along with the thrill of his voice. It was beautiful.

He suddenly stopped singing and I look up to see him staring right back at me, a questioning look in his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" He taps my forehead and I lean back against him, snuggling as close as possible towards his chest.

"You have such beautiful singing...I just love when you sing to me" I tell him and a thought pops into my head, its quick to go but it stays for a second longer and I'm questioning if he's ever Sang to anyone else before me.

"I got into singing during freshman year for the girls. But I realized I had my eye on a girl and only went to choir because I loved was the girl who caught my eye the whole time. I didn't know it at the time but I would fall in love with her the second I talked to her" he spoke softly and his words make me melt like butter in his arms.

"Go on...tell me about her".

"Don't get jealous now, but she was beautiful. She's got such a beautiful face, her smile is one of the many reasons why I love her. No matter how I felt I knew going to school just to see her would put my in a better mood. She's got a huge heart, she always cares about others before herself and I love her and her huge heart. She's sweet and caring and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her in my life. Shes the reason I wake up, the reason I even choose to get up. She's my motivation and the reason I believe in love, not because of her but because she made it possible when I didn't believe it was. She is...the other piece of my heart...and I never want that piece gone."

His words hit like a hammer on glass, shattering my heart into a million butterflies. I loved him so much and yet no matter what he says can still make me swoon as if we first met.

"You are really lucky to have her it sounds like...I bet she's lucky to have you too" I say and damn right was I. I've been lucky the moment he had eyes for me.

"We're both lucky...but I definitely hit the jackpot with her" he captures me into a kiss and I hold him close, letting his words melt over me completely.

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