Chapter-20: Accusations

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A/N: Day1 at Singapore. Was amazing!! I went around on the flyer, posed in front of the merlion, petted a starfish and a pink dolphin, cuddled a python and went zip lining. Perfect day.... Until a kid from our group got lost in the streets. Can't blame anyone, the kid was kind of bratty. But all is well, they found her. Can't wait for tomorrow. :)


"Where were you?" Brandon's voice cracked like a whip, slicing the tense silence in the living room. I looked up from the warmth of Chris' embrace. "Huh? Who are you....? What?"

"You! Christian! Where were you? You were right by my side the entire time we walked down the street but you came in five minutes after me. Maybe even more. So I'll ask you again." He said, menacingly. "What are you trying to do? Accuse me of hurting Pike? And Hershey? I found the first note, Brandon. Or have you forgotten? I'm not going to harm Lea! I'm looking out for her!" I looked frantically between them. I could feel, Christian's arm tense and his jaw harden. "No. I haven't forgotten. That's what made me suspect you in the first place. Who's to say you didn't write it and bring it to her? You're quite OBVIOUSLY in love with her. The way you're holding her. This is what you want isn't it?" Brandon said, gesturing wildly to Chris' arms wrapped protectively around me.
"Love? I'm not in love with Lea. I care for her! The same as everyone here!"

"Really? Are you really going to deny your feelings for her? The boy is right. You are so clearly in love with her. I saw it before. I brushed it off. Makes sense now. No. I refuse to postpone the wedding. I'm done. Let's please end this drama and cancel it once and for all." Tania's voice echoed from the doorway of the living room where she stood, arms crossed across her chest and a determined look on her face. Before anyone could say anything, she walked out, leaving us all dumbfounded.

"See? He doesn't even care! His fiancée just walked out on him and he doesn't even CARE! Lea, get away from him. The man is deranged." Brandon yelled. "No. Its not him. He wouldn't...I know he would NEVER do anything like this." I said refusing to back away from Chris. The war between my brain and heart was done. They were in agreement now. I turned my glare onto Charlie, "If you had anything to do with this, speak up now. I promise you, we won't press charges and we'll see that you get help. But tell us now, Charlie." Chris straightened up beside me. "Charlie? Dunham? I'm sorry I didn't recognise you before. What are you doing here?"

Radhika spoke,"He had a mental breakdown this morning and showed up at the doorstep without any knowledge of himself or his surroundings. He's been here the entire day." Brandon looked up at that. "Which means he could have done any of the things and joined us. We could have never even known."
"And he was already outside when Hershey got hurt" I remembered suddenly and added. "It makes sense"

"What?!?! Guys come on!! I couldn't have hurt anyone. You know me! Radhika" he looked pleadingly at her,"you can't suspect me! I would never hurt Leandra like this. She's my friend. Please." His eyes welled up as he continued pleading for us to believe him. "I'm not in love with Lea. I promise you guys! I'm not!!"

"How do we believe you? How do explain the love-lorn look on your face every time we walk into the café?" Radhika demanded. "Because Radhika. You were always with her. You just said...I'm sorry. I know you have a boyfriend but I have a hopeless crush on you."

Everyone stared. Nobody knew what to say. I sighed and fell exhausted into the couch. "Someone is out there, hurting the ones I love and I can't do anything to stop them. Its my fault." "The ones you love? So you love Pike?" Radhika asked. "Are you sure? I don't trust him." She stated, lips pressed tightly together. "What do you mean?" Chris asked.

Radhika sighed and sat across from us, "He... More or less threatened me earlier today. And again when I met him outside in the yard. That's how I ran into Charlie and he told me about the other note." "Threatened you? Why would be threaten you?" I asked, shocked.

"Because she's up to no good and she keeps a hell of a lot of secrets." Came Pike's voice from the bottom of the staircase. "She believes I want to harm you. She also believes she is the only one who cares for you. Radhika, tell us, where were you when Hershey got hurt?"
"Pike!!" I exclaimed and hugged him. "Did you see who it was? The one who hit you?"

"Lea! Get away from him. How do we know he didn't pretend to hurt himself to make others look more suspicious?" Brandon yelled. "He's right, Lea. Come here!" Chris said, yanking me back by the arm. "Besides he obviously has anger issues" Radhika added, looking murderous.

Charlie stood too, and they all moved forward blocking me from Pike's view. Pike stood there smirking at us all, like he was better than us. "Pike!! Tell me its not you." I was nearly in tears. Pike? It couldn't be!! But it made sense. Who knew what else he was capable of. He had the means, the motive and the perfect opportunity.

"Oh baby. Its not me. I already have you. I don't need to threaten you to possess you. But, she, your perfect best friend, the wonderful Ms. Radhika. Yeah, she might have the need."

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