Chapter-5: Some things should be left unsaid

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*A/N: so this is a short chapter. I dont really want to drag this out but i also want to end it on a different note. So consider this as sort of a filler.


I looked up sharply at Rats. She just stared at me, her head cocked to the side. Her expression was confused....and maybe a little sad. "So.....what are you gonna do?" She asked, without waiting for me to confirm or deny her earlier statement.

Sigh.. "I don't know Radhika. I really don't know" I leaned against the wall of the pond and lay my head back on the grass.

I heard Rats swimming towards me and felt her long hair tickle my bare arms as she slid next to me. "Lea, he's much older than you. Do you think its wise to feel towards someone like that? Not to mention, he IS your uncle isn't he?"

"He's not that much older. He's only 25. And he's not really related to me! Mandy's mom was my aunt so yeah.. We're not really blood-related"

Mandy, my three year old cousin was born to my aunt after a horrific rape at med school. Doc and Melanie (my aunt) were classmates at the time and as far as I could tell, doc really cared about Melanie. He took charge of Mandy after Melanie was diagnosed with severe trauma and depression. They were both 22 at the time and Doc had nobody to call family. Mandy took to him immediately and our family happily accepted both of them as our own. Although Melanie and Doc were never together, Mandy thinks doc to be her father and that's the way we're all keeping it.

"Excuses Lea. Just excuses. He obviously doesn't feel the same way or he wouldn't be getting married!" Rat's voice rationalised.

"Geez! Rub salt in my wounds, why don't you!? I get it! He doesn't like me that way. But I like him! How can I not? You said so yourself, he's hot!" I shot up and looked at Rats in the eye.

She was taken aback and said "look Lea there's no point yelling at me. He may not be related to you but he IS your uncle. Mandy is your cousin and she looks up to you. Loving him is not an option"

"Love?" I burst out laughing. "I don't love him Radhika! I lust after him. He's gorgeous and smart and so well-built. Who said anything about love? I want him. I just want him"

Love? Maybe! Lust? Definitely!Where stories live. Discover now