Chapter-6: Frustration

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A/N: Ishouldmentionthatthischapter might containmaterialthatcouldpossiblyberatedPG.


'I watched her as she climbed out of the pond. Her body glistening with a thin sheen of water. She doesn't even realise how gorgeous she is. How her perfect lips turn me on. How her swaying hips make me hot. She's beautiful but she doesn't know it'


I shook my head violently, splattering Rats with droplets of water from my sopping wet hair. She beat me off with a towel and tied up her own long hair. "Brat" she mumbled.

Stumbling across the mud, we made our way to the car and got dressed. I felt strange. Like we were being watched. "Rats? I feel like we're being spied on. Don't you?" I looked around and Radhika was nowhere to be seen.

"RATS!! Where are you??!" Panic starting to rise in my chest. "Radhikaaaa!!!"

"Dude! Chill out. I was trying to find my phone. I must've dropped it somewhere." Came a disembodied voice somewhere to my right. "Got it. Let's go" she said reappearing from the woods.

"Jackass. You nearly gave me a heart attack." I said smacking her in the arm "Drop me off at Pike's? He's got a night of rom-coms lined up for us. SO MUCH FUN!! Yipee" I said, rolling my eyes to emphasise the sarcasm.

Rats laughed and shifted into gear, hair flying in the wind. She never turns on the AC if she can help it. She prefers to have the windows rolled down, heaven knows why.


The tires squealed as she braked outside Pike's house. It was getting dark and she had to be home soon. Something about her Indian traditions not going to waste. Her parents are strict about her curfews.

I waved goodbye and knocked on the door as Rats sped off into the twilight. "Hey babe. You're here early!! Come on in",Pike pecked me on the cheek and held the door open. He's such a gentleman like that. Obvious why my parents would like him. He's the picture perfect boyfriend, charming wits, sweet nature, sensitive, caring, smart and goes to law school. All in all the predictable good boy. What more could my parents want from a boyfriend of mine? Don't get me wrong. I love Pike. We rarely fight and go on sweet dates together but that's just it, its too sweet. We're always so perfect together. We never have any heat or passion.

I wanted passionate fights and heated make up sessions. I wanted spice, I wanted to see hunger in his eyes as they roved over me. I wanted to feel myself melt to goo when he licks his lips at the sight of my body. I wanted to feel the heat when his fingers curled in my hair and when we kiss, I wanted to moan into his mouth "ohChris" -wait whattt?? Chris?? I meant Pike.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my temperature seemed to have risen a few degrees while I was fantasizing hands touching me, turning me on with searing hot kisses. "Come on, sit here Piggy" Pike called out, patting the love seat.

*puke* I hate to be called Piggy but Pike thinks its a cute nickname for me because my hair is super wavy, bordering on curly. I hesitated, then walked over and sat on the loveseat. "Everything okay? You look flushed. Are you not feeling well? Come closer, Lea" ,he said looking a little worried.

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