Chapter-12: Pike Miller

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Let it go! Don't let it consume you! "These things happen! These things happen!", I muttered under my breath, trying to calm myself down. I couldn't let my anger get the better of me.

To an outsider, the Millers were the perfect family. Beautiful young mother, doting son and a cute daughter who's father worked abroad to keep food on their table and clothes on their bodies. A father so devoted to his family, he didn't mind staying away from them for years at a stretch. A father, who unknown to everyone else, was glad to be away from his crazily depressed wife, and short-tempered son. Yes. The Millers were envied by others who couldn't see the gaping cracks in their bubble.

What's wrong with lea?Can she not see that I care for her?I want to protect her from that boy. That Charlie boy. He looks dangerous. Psychotic almost. I don't like the way he looks at her. I slammed my fist into the wall. Ding dong!! Hand throbbing, I ran to answer the door. Lea stood outside, beautiful in her short summer skirt and blouse.

"Lea! Come on in!" I said, stepping aside. She looked nervous, turning back every few seconds. "What's wrong babe?"

"Uh nothing. I just.... Felt like I was being followed" she shrugged "must be my imagination" Noticing my bruised hand, she gasped, "Pike!! What happened?" She tried to grasp my hand and I pulled away on a reflex, wincing. "Uh nothing! I tripped", I lied lamely.

"TRIPPED?",she asked, eyes widening. Her tone indicated that she didn't believe me but she let it go, thankfully. "So you were being followed?" I peered around her shoulder and out the door. My eyes scanned the streets, narrowing when I saw a dark sedan roll slowly past my house and sped up round the corner. The windows were of a dark tint and I couldn't see inside.

"Like I said, must be my imagination"she said hastily, tugging on my arm. "We're going to be late to the engagement party! We should get going!!"

"Yeah okay. Let's go"


I still don't understand what she sees in him. Slamming my hand on the steering wheel, I sped up when I saw That Boy peer through the window panes. I could be so much better for her.

This one is for Bhaavya23. You asked about Pike.


I'm sorry readers, that's all for now. my exams are getting really close and I haven't studied very well. I understand if I've left you hanging. But I haven't written anything more and I don't have time to breathe, let alone think up chapters. I've got tax on my brain right now. You wouldn't believe it!! This morning, I flirted with this guy I like using TAX terms *facepalm*. So anyway, pleaaaase stay. And I promise I'll upload every single day after my exams which end in May. I know two months is a LONG time. :( I'm really sorry.

This story will end by May 31. Exams are over on the 16th and everyday after that, u will get at least one chapter. I cross my heart and dearly dearly hope not to die. :Pbut u believe me right? I love you guys so much.

Love? Maybe! Lust? Definitely!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant