Chapter-10: My best friend hates you.

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A/N: The video is the same as the chapter name "My best friend hates you" by Cassidy Pope. After I wrote the chapter, I felt it had to be titled this way. And also happened to remember this song I heard on my best friend's phone a few weeks ago. Haha. Enjoy.

"Wanna go to the mall then?"

I irritably mumbled something. Incoherent though it was, the answer was obvious.

"No? No mall? Okay. Café?"

Pike was persistent, I'd give him that. He'd been trying to get me to come out and meet him ever since that night at his house. "What do you want from me, Lea? I don't understand why you're behaving this way. Is something wrong? Can't we talk about it?" He sounded sad, almost pleading.

I sighed. Its not his fault. You're being irrational. There's no point in being irritated at Pike. The poor guy is obviously miserable, not knowing what he did. Don't make him suffer for things neither of you can control. "Okay let's go to the Café. I'll meet you there in an hour. I'm on my way to Radhika's now."


"So..... Are you gonna tell me what's wrong? Or do I have to guess it myself?", Radhika drawled, hanging upside down from her wonderfully soft four-poster bed.

Sigh. "I've just been irritable lately. Uneasy. And I fought with Pike."

"Is this because of Doc? You really have to let it go Lea. He's marrying her in less than two weeks. And there's nothing you can do."

"I know! Chuck this. I gotta go. Im supposed to meet Pike at the Café. Come with?"

"Ugh no thanks. I don't want to watch your lover boy fall all over himself to get you your food and drink"Radhika said, making a face. I couldn't understand why Radhika hated Pike so much. She thought he was too nice for his own good and that it could all be an act.


Pike was seated at a corner table at the café and waved at me as I entered. So did Charlie who sauntered over in that charmingly lazy style of his and grinned at me. "hello gorgeous. No sidekick today?" And winked at me. I smiled weakly and said,"no. No sidekick. And you better not let Radhika hear you call her that."

I made my way to pike and he got up to kiss my cheek. "Who's that?" He asked, gesturing to Charlie. "Just a friend from Uni."

"Oh" he said, doubt clouding his eyes.

I sighed tiredly, "Your green is showing. He's a senior and a friend. What do you want, Pike? I'm not in the mood for your petty jealousy." "Petty? I was just asking because I've never seen you two talking before and all of a sudden you're friends with him. As your boyfriend, I want to take care of you and the people you interact with. He I was just concerned!" He said, eyes wide in shock.

The bell on the door clanged to signal someone's entrance. I turned around on a reflex and saw my brother leading Radhika in, very chivalrously. I automatically waved my arm, beckoning them over. "Hellooo Andy." Brandon drawled. Radhika snorted and added, "and Andy's man candy" I rolled my eyes. I could feel Pike's short temper spiking. "That's cute. You finish each other's sentences." He said, sounding a little mean. What's with Pike these days? Hes rarely mean to anyone! And I thought he had his anger issues under control. I scooted over for Radhika but Pike sat resolutely, refusing to make room for Brandon. "Sit sit. I'll call Charlie to take our orders." I said, glaring at Pike, challenging him to piss me off some more.

"Lea. We're in the middle of a discussion. A very serious discussion, if you recall." Pike explained as if to a child. Radhika butt in,"oh please. Relaaaax. Does everything have to be so serious with you two? Whenever she's around you she becomes this demure, quiet person."

"You say it like its a bad thing" Retorted Pike. "Well yeah. It might be if she isn't such a person in real life. Which I might add, she isnt. She's vibrant, crazy and full of life and adventure. With you, she becomes someone she's not. How is that a good thing?" Radhika fought back.

"Hey guys. Everything alright here? Can I get you something to drink?", Charlie interrupted like a Godsend.


I watched her carefully. She was obviously not happy with him. So why was she here with him? Why was she pretending to be in a perfect relationship? She laughs and flips her hair. But I can see the sadness in her eyes. She longs for someone else. Why can that person not be me? I would never fight with her. I would never make her cry. She deserved only the best. I am the best.

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