Chapter-15: The aftermath

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A/N: Sorry folks. This one is kind of a filler chapter.


I stood in front of the mirror, just looking at myself, my mind wandering to the evening and the T.T.table. My face turned warm and I felt myself blush. "So are you gonna tell me or not? You've been acting spacey lately". Radhika lay on my bed propped up on one elbow, staring at me with narrowed eyes.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. "Okay. Two days ago.... I met up with Chris for coffee. And we kind of kissed...." *gaaspp* ".....and we did again, tonight", I finished. Slowly peeking through my lids, I looked at the shock on Rats' face and the 'O' her beautifully sculpted lips made. "Whaaaat?!?! But he's marrying her next week!!"

"Urmmm that's the thing... They're planning to postpone the wedding because they feel its too rushed at the moment", I said. "oh really? And when did this happen? Why haven't I heard anything? How do you know this?" She rapidly fired at me, eyebrow raised and sitting up straight on the bed. "Tonight. When we were leaving, he was discussing with Tania. He told me he wanted to push it off a bit, when we were leaving the Rec centre" I explained.

"Does that mean he loves you and he's doing this because of you? Leandra. You cannot be so selfish. That poor woman is obviously in love with him and you said yourself, that it isn't love. Just lust! Are you really going to ruin Tania's life for the sake of your stupid hormones? Do the right thing!" She rationalised. She always was the more practical, caring one of us. She would never let me hurt another for the sake of my selfish pleasure.

I sighed, knowing she was right yet reluctant to give Chris up completely. "I know you're right, Rats but I just can't bring myself to tell him to marry her. I just can't. I don't want him to."

"I understand Lea. At least he's not calling off the wedding itself. Maybe he really does need some time to think it over. But be honest to him. Tell him what it is you really want. Most of all, Lea, be honest to yourself. Don't lie to me and everyone else. You know what it is. Lust isn't love. Acknowledge it, accept it and move on." Radhika said, holding my shoulders with both hands and looking at me with understanding in her eyes. "Besides." She said with a flip of her hair and a smile "he's not the only hot guy around town. Did you even notice how Charlie was hanging around you? I think he has a crush on you. Might do you good to get away from jealous old Pike for a bit."

I smiled weakly, "yeah? Charlie? I thought he liked you. The way he lights up when you walk into the room." "Umm hello!!! Its at you that he smiles his perfect twinkly-eyed smile. Since, we're together everytime we see him you thought it was at me. Its not. Trust me." She replied confidently. "He's definitely crushing on you. And Pike? He probably sees that as a challenge. The crazier the boyfriend, the easier to get the girl." She winked and spun herself, unraveling her saree.

I'm almost a 100% sure that she's the only girl who can manage to get out of clothes without the awkwardness. I mostly tend to fall on my ass every time I try pulling off my skinny jeans. "Hmm..But tonight was...." I sighed contentedly, eyes closed and a smile on my lips. "Yeah yeah we get it. Perfect huh. Stop trying to make me jealous. I might consider sneaking off to your brother's room tonight." Rats said and I could almost here the smirk crossing her face.

I bit my lip and hugged myself, happy as a puppy. She grinned at me and hit me in the face with a pillow.


I don't know how many hours passed with our incessant laughter and story swapping, but it felt like the best sleepover ever. I sighed and rolled over in my bed. I'm really glad I told Rats. Would have killed me to keep secrets from her at this point. With all my internal drama, I needed the opinion of a person who wasn't me.

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