"You there," A voice behind Y/n says.

Y/n turns around and sees a young man in black with blood-red hair and pitch-black horns. Y/n points at himself.

"Yes, you. Where did you get those weapons," the speaker says as they gesture to the guns, gauntlets, and greaves Y/n has on him.

"Well, my patrol partner and I were coming back to base, and this Huntsman student crashed through the ceiling. The kid landed on his head and died instantly. We thought that was the end of it. But some debris came down and crushed my partner's head like a rotten grape," Y/n says. "Then I saw the kid's weapons and thought that since he wouldn't be needing them anymore, they could be put to better use."

"And why wasn't I notified about this when you returned?" The man asks.

"Because I just came back, sir," Y/n says as he pretends to be afraid.

The man in black looks Y/n up and down.

"If the huntsmen know we're here, then we need to move ahead of schedule. I want that train moving within the hour."

"Yes, sir," Y/n says.

The faunus looks at Y/n. Then in the blink of an eye, a dark red blade is pressed to Y/n's neck. Y/n looks at the crimson blade, then at its wielder.

Y/n scoffs. "I really thought that the disguise was going to work," he says.

"Who are you?" The man asks.

Y/n smirks. "It doesn't matter who I am," Y/n says. "What matters is who you are. And I know who you are. Adam Taurus. You're twenty years old. Your weapons are Wilt and Blush. Wilt is a fire dust-infused chokutō. And Blush a rifle that doubles as a sheath for Wilt."

"How do you know that information?" Adam asks as he presses Wilt deeper into Y/n's neck. The latter's aura flares to life, preventing the blade from breaking the skin.

"A little birdie told me," Y/n says, his voice full of amusement. "And a different birdie told me that you were Cinder Fall's bitch after she used her semblance to take out your entire camp. After you refused to listen to her the first time."

Adam is silent, and Y/n takes advantage of the silence.

"And a third birdie told me that Cinder was arrested recently," Y/n says. "So guess what, Adam? You and your subordinates are free. You don't need to steal every speck of dust in Vale anymore."

"If what you say is the truth, then that means my men and I can finally act as we see fit."

"Then be prepared for the entire organization to fall if any of you spill a single drop of innocent blood after this," he says. "Because while I support your organization's cause. Your methods are far from ideal."

Adam removes his mask, exposing the SDC brandmark on his left eye. "Our methods are necessary," he says before reequipping his mask.

"Necessary is a... strong word. Effective, yes, but only in the short term," Y/n says. "Your organization's actions are painting a target on the backs of every faunus in the world. They fear being associated with you to such a point that they no longer defend themselves even when it would be completely justified." Y/n lets out a bitter chuckle. "It's ironic. The organization created to promote equality and tolerance is now doing the opposite of what it's supposed to. Sure, you may eventually get the treatment you seek. But how long will it last with the Grimm around? They're attracted to negative emotions, remember? And all the hatred and resentment everyone feels will be as subtle as a napalm enema. The Grimm will come in numbers you've never seen, and they will tear everyone to shreds."

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