Shall We Dance

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Disclaimer: Hippity Hoppity, the rights to the Flash and RWBY are not my property.

Third-Person Pov:

The day of the dance has arrived, and Yang is standing at a podium welcoming guests as they enter the ballroom.

"Oh, you look beautiful," Yang says to Ruby as she enters the ballroom.

Ruby looks at her choice of footwear and groans. "Can we talk about how Weiss can fight in heels?" She asks as she stumbles her way toward Yang.

"My guess is that she's more used to high heels than other types of shoes," Y/n says as he walks in behind Ruby.

"You're probably not wrong. Outside of our uniforms, I don't think I've seen Weiss wear any other type of shoes," Ruby says to Y/n.

"Need a hand?" Y/n asks.

"Yes, please," Ruby meekly says.

"Grab on," Y/n says as he walks next to Ruby and holds out his arm. Yang returns to her duty as Y/n and Ruby walk to the punch bowl. "So, whose idea was it to have you attend the dance while wearing a pair of death traps?" Y/n asks Ruby once he's sure Yang can't hear him.

Ruby sighs, "It was Weiss and Yang's idea." She looks at Y/n. "They said I needed to learn how to wear them properly one day," Ruby says as she nearly stumbles again, but luckily Y/n manages to keep her on her feet.

"In our line of work?" Y/n asks with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what I said!" Ruby shouts as the two reach the punch bowl. She lets go of Y/n's arm, grabs a cup, and pours herself a drink. Y/n follows suit and pours himself a glass too.

The two watch Blake, Sun, and Neptune arrive. And how Yang and Blake begin to share a dance.

"So, she really did manage to get Blake to show up," a voice says. Y/n and Ruby turn to the speaker and see that it's Weiss.

"I guess she did," Y/n says as he takes a sip from his drink. "And what are you doing here with us right now? I thought you'd be dancing with Neptune," Y/n says as he remembers Weiss and Neptune's interactions.

"Things didn't work out," Weiss says as she looks away from Y/n and Ruby. "I asked him to the dance, and he obviously said no," she slowly explains.

"His loss," Y/n bluntly says. "You are an amazing young woman, and any man would be lucky to get your attention, let alone be asked by you to a dance." Weiss stares blankly at Y/n with her mouth in an 'O' shape.

"Y/n is right, Weiss. You're amazing. You helped organize and set up the dance after Team CFVY's mission lasted longer than anyone expected. Sure the rough plans were there, but you helped bring them to life," Ruby cheerfully says.

"I wish they were back already," Y/n says as he takes another sip from his drink.

"Why, were you dying to be here with a certain brunette?" A fourth voice asks.

Ruby, Weiss, and Y/n all turn to look at Yang, who has a smug grin on her face.

"I'm just worried about Team CFVY," Y/n says. "Their mission wasn't supposed to last this long. They should've been back by now and enjoying this," Y/n says as he looks around the ballroom that's been wonderfully decorated and chock-full of people enjoying themselves.

"I'm worried about them too, but you still haven't answered the question. Were you dying to ask Velvet to the dance?" Yang asks.

Y/n takes another sip. "I'm not answering that question," he says. "If I say yes, you'll tease me and sing that damn song about sitting in a tree. I say no, you won't believe me, and you'll sing that damn song. So I shall remain neutral and not give a definitive answer."

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