One Hell of a Day

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Disclaimer: I've said it before, and I'll repeat it I do not own the rights to RWBY or the Flash. Also, this chapter contains an F-bomb here and there. Also, if it isn't obvious, this takes place between Volumes 1 and 2.

Y/n Pov:

'Another day, another reminder I'm still not home. I just hope my grandparents and the team are okay. But, back to this place. Crime seems to be going down further without Torchwick and the White Fang stealing dust. And my speed feels like it's back to normal. Few more days and I should be good to go.'


'And that is a gunshot.' I click my tongue and take a breath through my teeth. 'I should get on that.' 

I speed into the building that I heard the shot come from and see a guy aiming a gun at a cashier with a bullet heading right towards the cashier's head. I grab the bullet out of the air, place it on the counter, disarm the robber, dismantle the gun, and knock them out cold. Then, I turn to the shop owner and put on my best Zoidberg impression after letting time go back to normal.

"Hello there, I'm so sorry you had to see that, but your shop's in good condition, and you have all your parts. Sure, you may need some therapy, but who wouldn't in your situation? You had a gun pointed and fired at you. I suggest taking a day off. May I suggest a relaxing fishing trip? Then again, you don't have to listen to me. After all, you have no reason to trust me. I'm just a costume-wearing nutcase to you. But if you'll excuse me, I have a full night ahead of me. What with running around the city stopping criminals and preventing all sorts of vehicle-related accidents. Now good day to you."

I rush out of the building just in time to see a car crash about to happen. 'Well, time to get back to work.'

*Timeskip to the next morning*

Third Person Pov:

As was routine for the last few weeks, Jaune showed up to train with Y/n at the ungodly hour of six-thirty in the morning. And with both Pyrrha and Y/n's help, he's come a long way from the scrawny, noodle-armed boy that could barely lift his sword he once was to a less scrawny, not-so-noddle-armed young man that could pick up his blade without a problem.

"You ready Jaune," Y/n asks.

"Yeah, but why do you have me wake up so early?" Jaune asks.

"Classes start at nine, and breakfast is at seven forty-five. That means we can get an hour of training in and get ready in time and not have to worry about being last in line at breakfast. And because unlike me, you don't have a cosmic force and vigilante activity keeping you in the best shape possible," Y/n says with a slight grin.

"You're joking about that cosmic force part, right?"

"The Speedforce is a gateway to abilities some consider to be completely broken," Y/n says, no longer hiding his grin.

"Dude, that so unfair."

"It is, but we're wasting time. So let's make sure you get in better shape," Y/n says, causing Jaune to gulp in fear remembering how much of a taskmaster Y/n is when it comes to training.

"I'll do whatever it takes for me to become strong," Jaune says, using his determination to drown his fear.

"Jaune, that's a dangerous promise to make. You're not the first to say those words, and you won't be the last. There have been and will always be those who pawn off their humanity searching for power like it's some kind of cheap trinket. But I know you won't become one of them," Y/n says in a serious tone.

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