Friends, and Vigilantes

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Disclaimer: I still don't own RWBY or The Flash. I never have and never will.

Location: Beacon

Y/n Pov:

'Ah Saturday morning, no classes, no homework, and best of all, no inter-' *Knock Knock Knock* 'No int-' *Knock Knock Knock* 'No-' *Knock Knock Knock* "Alright fine," I go to answer the door trying to drown out the knocks. "Who are you, and how did you-" I see Ruby and Weiss. "Oh, hi Red, and you've brought company. Also, how did you find my room." She doesn't answer me and starts turning redder than Barry's suit. "Red, you there. Ruby," I follow her line of sight and. 'Crap, I forgot to put on a shirt.' I close the door to find one and put it on before opening it again. "Okay, now how did you find me."

"Is that really how you greet people?" an oh-so-familiar condescending voice says.

I look at Weiss, "Nice to see you too, Ice Queen."

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that," she growls.

"And I thought I told you to stop acting like the world owes you a debt, speaking of debt, you owe me a favor."

"What favor?"

"The one you owe me for distracting that Boarbatusk in Professor Port's class. Ya know, the one that rammed into me because your screeching made me lose focus," I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't screech," she screeches.

"You're right. It was more shrieking than anything." I say with a smirk.

She looks at me with murder in her eyes, "Why, you little-"

I cut her off, "Little, I'm nearly a foot taller than you, and you're wearing heels. Frankly, that's just sad."

"Guys, can you please stop fighting," Ruby pleads.

"Fine, now why are you here," I ask.

"I wanted to know if you'd want to hang out with us and team JNPR over in the common room. I mean, I don't mean to offend you but, I haven't seen you spending time around people."

'Wow, an opportunity to get close to all eight people Ozpin want's me to keep an eye on." I pretend to think it over, "Sure, I'm not doing anything today anyway. And I don't take offense. I've just been getting used to Beacon."

'Not a lie, I've still been getting used to being in a new universe. I mean, I'm basically an alien that has no idea what their customs are, oh my God. Is this how Megan feels on Earth? Wow, that's a mind fu-'

"Then lets's go!"

"Fine, but at least let me put on some actual pants, the only time I'm leaving my room wearing my PJs is when it's really late."

*Time skip*

"Ruby, Weiss, you're back, and who's this guy," asks a blond girl, Yang Xiao-Long. According to the files Oz gave me, she has quite the temper, and a sure-fire way of getting on the reviving end is messing with her hair.

"Hi, I'm Carmine. You guys probably remember me from last week."

"Hi, I'm Nora. Do you like pancakes?" asks an energetic redhead, Nora Valkyrie, another person on the list of people I have to keep out of trouble. Also has a knack for finding it and is never far from her childhood friend and traveling companion, Lie Ren.

"Nice ta meetcha Nora. Also," I put a hand on my chest like someone shot me, "How dare you ask such a question. What sane individual doesn't love the fluffy and delicious gift the Culinary Gods were so generous to grace humanity with."

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