Adventure Awaits

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Finally, after, um, *checks calendar* a month or so, I am back with a new chapter.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING.

Third-Person Pov:

"Alright, time to get this over with," Y/n says to himself as he races into Ozpin's office. "Good morning, Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch," Y/n says with his voice disguised but still carrying a friendly tone. "General Ironwood," he says with mild distaste.

"Good morning, Flash. Would you please retell the events from last night so we can figure out how to move forward?" Ozpin asks.

Y/n shrugs his shoulders, "Alright. While I was out patrolling the city, I got an emergency alert from the building we're in right now. When I got here last night, I found several unconscious soldiers on the first floor. Then I figured whoever broke in would be at one of the control terminals. One of the elevators was going up but eventually stopped on one of the higher floors. I took a gamble, and when I got out of the elevator shaft, I found Miss Fall walking toward one of the control terminals. I got her attention, and she tried to get me to lower my guard. It didn't work. Then after I subdued Fall the first time, she tried to stab me in the throat. I played possum and got her to reveal more about her plan. She mentioned the existence of someone named Salem," Y/n says. But as Y/n mentions the name Salem, he catches a brief glimpse of fear on the adults' faces before it vanishes. "Then, after she was done stroking her ego, I got up and restrained her. Then a Beacon student arrived, and I told them to get either you or Professor Goodwitch. While I was waiting, Miss Fall regained consciousness and attempted to escape again, so I knocked her out again and restrained her with a rope and duct tape."

"And what caused you to blow up a control terminal?" Ironwood asks.

Y/n looks at Ironwood. "Pragmatism. I figured Miss Fall would hack the control terminal. But you can't hack a terminal that doesn't exist. Besides, it's not like global communications would go down with one terminal. The various backup systems within this tower made sure of that."

"And what do you plan on doing now that Miss Fall is out of the picture?" Professor Goodwitch asks.

"Well, after your student recognized Miss Fall, she told me the names of her teammates. Mercury, Emerald, and Noire. I'm assuming that you can handle them... Discretely," Y/n says, causing the two professors and the general to exchange glances of unease at Y/n's vague directions.

"I'm sure we can think of something," Ozpin says.

"In that case, I'll be off. I've heard rumors about the White Fang having a base in the southeast. And given their current state as a militia instead of political activists." Y/n sighs before dragging a hand down his face. "The entire situation is a shit show. I don't want to take them down. After all, what they want is reasonable," Y/n dejectedly says.

"For humanity to fear them?" Ironwood rhetorically asks.

Y/n crosses his arms, stands at his full height, and gives Ironwood a fierce glare. "Equal treatment and respect," he says with a voice far colder than the polar winds of Atlas. "To not have to hide and reject a large part of who they are just so they can even have a chance to take a seat at the table. Because tell me this, James. What percent of your students, past, and present, are faunus? How many members of the Atlesian military's senior brass are faunus? And what percent of humans work the harshest lowest paying jobs in Atlas and Mantle compared to faunus? What percent of people living in the slums of Mantle are faunus? You should know this information, Jimmy. After all, you hold two seats on the Atlesian Council. Both by being Atlas' highest-ranking general and headmaster of the Huntsman Academy, you've been trying to turn into a boot camp. So I doubt you're unaware of the statistics," Y/n says, his voice getting deeper and deeper with each word.

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