Off the Rails

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Disclaimer: 'Nada' perfectly describes how much commercially recognizable material I own.

Third-Person Pov:

The sound of rustling fabric wakes Y/n from pleasant dreams full of his family and friends. He opens his eyes and sees that everything is blurry for a brief moment before his vision sharpens, and then he sees Zwei bolt out of the campsite with Ruby chasing after him. Y/n gets up and decides to follow after grabbing his weapons. Once he catches up to Ruby and Zwei, he spots the corgi taking care of business near a toppled lampost.

"Zwei," Ruby says, "We're in a wasteland, for crying out loud. You could have done that anywhere."

"At least he did his business outside," Y/n says.

"Eep," Ruby shouts as she jumps into the air and reflexively aims Cresent Rose at Y/n's chest. "What are you doing here?" Ruby whisper-shouts.

Y/n shrugs his shoulders. "I'm a light sleeper," he says. "And being on a mission has me on edge. Haven't done one since I got to Remnant. I feel rusty."

"Did you hear that?" A voice asks.

Ruby grabs Zwei as she and Y/n hide behind some rubble. They look past the edge and see two White Fang members patrolling the area.

"I could have sworn I heard something," says one of the White Fang grunts as they look around.

"Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base," says the other.

"Yeah, this place gives me the creeps."

The two grunts walk away, and Ruby, Y/n, and Zwei start following them at a distance. After a while, the two White Fang members come to a stop at a ruined building with metal doors. The two humans and their canine companion hide behind another wall. Ruby holds Zwei up.

"Bark once if they go inside," she says. After a few seconds, Zwei barks. Ruby and Y/n look at each other. "We found them."

"We need to get the others," Y/n says. "And we'll need a plan that isn't bust in and bust skulls. After all, this isn't some heist we're barging in on. We'll be entering an enemy stronghold." Y/n then looks at the entrance. "Who knows what could await us in there?" Y/n says as he stands up. "But we'll worry about that when we get back." Y/n starts walking back to the camp, but several cracks form on the road before a section collapses and takes him with it. "Change of plans, Ruby!" Y/n shouts. "Go back to camp and get the others! I'll see if I can find a way out!" With that, Y/n disappears into the ground.

After a few seconds, Y/n lands in the abandoned tunnel system. Once he gets his bearings, Y/n dodges a slab of asphalt that shatters the ground beside him.

"Well, that would have been close," he says as he gets back on his feet. As he does, a door opens, and he spots the two White Fang members from earlier. "This isn't the storage closet," he says as the two faunus point their guns at him.

"Fre-" The faunus doesn't get to finish his sentence as Y/n charges at him and slams him onto the floor, knocking him out. Then he gets up, kicks the other faunus' legs out from under him, and slams his boot onto his face. Once that's done, Y/n exhales and dusts off his hands. He eyes the unconscious White Fang members for a moment. Then he looks at the uniforms. An impish grin worms its way onto his face. A brief flash of light illuminates the cavern. When it fades, Y/n is standing in full White Fang uniform with the inclusion of his weapons.

Y/n nods and starts searching the tunnels for the White Fang's base. His stomach churns at the site of the ruins. 'So many people gone.' Y/n thinks to himself as he lets out a deep breath. 'Just a few more tunnels to go.' He picks up the pace, and after a few minutes, he finds what he's looking for. 'Alright, time to take stock of what's going on.' Y/n starts walking around like he belongs and sees mechs, grunts, and lots of stolen dust.

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