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Disclaimer: I own neither RWBY nor the Flash. Never have and never will. Now, if you'll excuse me. *Goes back to writing*

*Third Person Pov*

The Flash appears in Ozpin's office, followed by his now tri-colored lightning. He looks at the Professor, "So I have good news, bad news, and worse news."

"What is the good news?" Ozpin asks, looking at Y/n, who's now wearing a different suit and lacking his scarf and goggles. The suit's gold accents are quite literally glowing; the lightning bolt emblem on his chest is now replaced with a bolt that stretches from his left shoulder to above his right hip and glowing an electric blue. The various nooks and crannies of the suit are softly glowing white. His helmet is free of all dents, scratches, dirt and polished to the point you could see your reflection in it. The wings receive the same treatment, with the lines between the feathers softly glowing white and the suit now looking like a metallic second skin.

"Good news is I'm now the fastest man alive. Man, it feels good to say that" a proud grin makes its way onto his face "and can finally cross back into my universe," Y/n says, getting back on track. "The bad news is that the rest of JNPR may know my identity now and, by extension, team RWBY. Finally, the worst news is that I've had an encounter with the man who made me an orphan, Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, don't worry, he won't be back for a while, and when he is, it'll be when I'm back on Earth. Because, while I may be doing a lot of good here, I can't stay here. I have my grandparents, friends to get back to. Citizens to save, cities to protect, criminals to arrest, and misguided people to give advice when they need it the most, my life. Besides, now that Thawne knows I'm here, it's only a matter of time before another one of my enemies finds out and arrives here to fight me. And believe me, nobody wants that."

"I see, then farewell, Y/n. I hope you arrive home safely and that those you care for are alive and well," Ozpin says, standing up from his chair and extending his hand.

Y/n shakes Ozpin's hand, "Thank you, Professor. For everything," he says before letting go of Ozpin's hand. "But I still have to take care of a few things. For one, I need to find a way to say goodbye to Velvet, JNPR, and RWBY without-"

The elevator dings, drawing Y/n's attention before he vibrates fast enough to become invisible but not fall through the floor.

"Professor! I think Carmine's been kidnapped! He's not answering his scroll. The door to his room was broken down, and the wall has a burn mark on it!" Velvet cries out in panic.

"Miss Scarlatina, would you please explain what led you to that particular conclusion," Ozpin asks, putting on his best poker face.

"Well, Carmine and I agreed to meet this weekend to watch movies in his dorm. So I called him so we could agree on what to watch, and he didn't answer, but instead of the usual, 'You have reached the voicemail box of,' it's something about being outside the coverage area. But he's a first-year, so he's not getting any missions, especially not any that will take him out of the kingdoms until around the middle of next semester. And because of that, I run to his dorm and see that the door is smashed in, his blankets are a mess on the floor, and one of the walls has a burn mark on it," Velvet explains, her worry rapidly increasing to the point she starts having a panic attack. Seeing his friend in such a state instantly causes Y/n to stop vibrating and make his way towards her.

"Velvet, it's going to be okay. Everything's going to be alright soon," Y/n says in a soothing tone before he gently takes her hands in his. "Come on, deep, slow breaths. In through your nose," Velvet follows Y/n's directions, "Yeah, just like that. Now breathe out," Velvet breathes out, "That's it, now keep going. Feel all that stress, all that worry just melt away." Velvet keeps taking slow breaths for a few minutes, maybe a half-hour. Y/n doesn't care. All that matters is if his friend is alright, he doesn't even notice that everything is frozen in place. "Everything will be okay. Just breathe." Velvet eventually calms down, and by the time she does, both she and Y/n are kneeling in front of each other.

Be There In a Flash (Speedster Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن