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COME Monday morning, gossip was ravaging the halls of Hartley High, and while Fly had missed Harper's public dumping of Dusty after following Malakai out of the gymnasium, she'd heard all about the McLean girl's call out of her boyfriend, claiming he was intimidated by her sexual appetite and simply didn't know how to satisfy a woman. So now half the school thought she was an untouchable icon, the other a bat-shit banshee. Fly empathised, for while her friends supported her complicated relationship status with Spider and Ant, others in the school did not. As far as they were concerned she was SLT class president: aka the queen slut.

In order to avoid the whispering and judgement of her classmates, Fly had dragged her friends outside before class to soak up the morning sun and maybe catch a glimpse of Spider and Ant, both of whom she hadn't seen nor heard from all weekend while she spent her days with Malakai. As she peered over the rails, watching the incoming students, Fly half paid attention to Darren as they ranted about Ca$h. After confronting the boy, he'd explained he wasn't ghosting Darren's nudes, he'd just been too nervous about the sending the perfect one back. But while after reconnecting, stripping off and heading halfway to sun, Ca$h pulled away, leaving Darren rejected once again.

"I'm literally the hottest thing this side of the bridge." Darren gave the middle finger to Quinni's Polaroid camera as she snapped a picture "And he's treating me like a foot fungus. Ca$h is officially expired."

"Maybe he just doesn't like boning as much as you do." Quinni mused, shaking the developing Polaroid.

"Oh please, have you seen who he hangs out with?" Fly felt her stomach churn at Darren's words, mind drifting to Chook and his boys, to that night. But just as her breath hitched and images began to overtake her mind, she spotted Ant and Spider "If those eshay's aren't dealing drugs, they're wheeling with their dicks."

Quinni shook her head "Not everyone functions the way that you do. And besides, you guys haven't even had a conversation about what you're both looking for yet. That's something that Sasha and I did when we first started dating. You did with Ant and Spider, right, Fly?"

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