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SUMMER used to be Fly Fernandez' favourite time of year

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SUMMER used to be Fly Fernandez' favourite time of year. No school, no homework, just eight weeks of sun, fun, not to mention Christmas and some quality time with her mother who worked nights to provide for her two loving kids. But that summer everything changed. She changed. For Fly's twin brother, Moth, died and her entire world caved in leaving her lost and numb.

It felt almost robotic for Fly as she followed t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶— her friends... They were just hers now. Three boys who'd stuck by her since childhood, her best friends and bandmates, Dustin Reid, Spencer White and Anthony Vaughn. Otherwise known as Dusty, Spider and Ant.

Dusty had been a late addition to original quartet in primary school where as the the four bugs had met in preschool.

As she trailed through the excited crowd ready for Summer Riot, Fly looked around the bustling rave goers. Everyone was happy, relishing in the sun and under the influence of whatever booze they'd smuggled in or party favours they'd gotten their hands on as the base of the fast paced music drifted out towards the edge of the park. She didn't understand it, how they could all be having so much fun, be so happy. But then again, they didn't know Moth, their world hadn't stopped.

A gentle nudge had Fly snap out of it as she looked to Ant who tilted his head at her, brown eyes shining with concern "You alright?"

"Fine." She assured with the smile she'd mastered in the privacy of her bedroom "Just keeping an eye out for Ca$h."

"Where is that little eshay?" Spider questioned, the four pausing by the trees as they scoped the area.

The Piggot boy was the year above, but come summers end and with it, January, he'd be joining them in year 11 instead of continuing in into year 12 like the rest of his classmates. But they weren't interested in his education, just the services he provided and Douglas Piggot was Hartley High's newest dealer.

ULTRAVIOLET 💔 SPENCER WHITE & ANTHONY VAUGHNDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora