025: Is he?

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"Sorry, won. we were really late. Something happened earlier." Kira explained.

"What do you mean Something happened? By the way, where is yuna? Why isn't she here with you?" Jungwon asked with both confused and worried eyes.

"My parents came home. Together with
ni-ki and sunghoon, my two brothers."

"What?! Oh my god. So, how did it go then?" He asked.

"They were a bit skeptical about yuna and jake at first, but when i ranted my feelings after all these years to them, they slowly accepted them both quickly. Now we left yuna there because they'll have their first bonding time." She explained. In exhange, jungwon gave her a shocked face upon hearing what she had just said.

"They also said that they will permanently live here." She added.

"Damn, so how do you feel about it?" He said curiously.

"50/50, I'm happy, but at the same time, i'm not. But i guess i'll get used to it as time goes by." She replied.

"Where is sunoo, by the way?" Jake asked.

"Oh right, sunoo, he left earlier because his mom had an emergency and she had to leave the café for a while. Anyways, feel at home and eat what you wanna eat. If you guys need something, just find me in my room. I'll just open the presents of the attendees who gave me gifts a while ago." Both of them nodded, and then they proceeded to get a plate and utensils to eat. While jungwon, as he said, he went to his room to unwrap all the presents that were given to him earlier.

Time skip 2 weeks ....

"Love, sophia called me she said that sandro wants to visit us here later. Is that okay, love?" Jake said while he rested his chin on his fiancé shoulder.

"Sure love, I miss sandro too, for sure yuna misses him too. She would be happy to know that her favorite friend and relative would visit her today." Kira said in reply. Jake smiled and pecked her lips for a small kiss.

"Okay, love, i'll inform her now."

They got engaged 3 years ago, and now they've been planning on settling it on the church and altar to completely seal their love for each other. They waited for the right time and year to marry each other, and now is the year for that to happen. They experienced and battled a lot of hardships together, and now, with only a couple of preparations and months left, they would now be pronounced as married couples. Just like what they've dreamed of when they were still teens. Specifically at the age of 17.

Hours after the call, sophia and sandro came. Upon entering, they got greeted by yuna who's really excited to play and hang out with sandro. Meanwhile, their parents went on to tell stories about how their days went. Sophia reasoned that her son sandro couldn't come every weekend to play because of her hectic work schedules. She was a single mom, after all. She didn't have any contacts of sandro's dad anymore. But every after a while, she questions herself if her boyfriend is still wondering why she left him all of a sudden or if he went on with his life and moved on. Their stories and chitchat continued 'till one of kira's brother came.

"Hey dude, how are you doing?" Her brother said to jake as a way of greeting.

"I'm good bro" he replied.

"Why are you here, sunghoon?" Kira asked.

"Visiting my pretty niece." He casually said and went on to face the girl whose with the two couples right now. When their eyes met, both of them were in shock to see each other. As if they've already met and encountered each other already.

"S-sophia...?" Sunghoon said. He had a really good mood a while ago, but when he saw sophia, his mood changed into a sadder one.

Sophia was speechless. Same as the two couples. Speechless and confused were currently painted on their faces. Silence was really loud for minutes 'till sunghoon talked.

"I've searched and looked for you for so long. And when i gave up on looking for you, there you are right now. I met you again. Why did you leave me without any notes or text? All i felt was like, did i really have a girlfriend, or was she just one of my imaginations, or is she just a random ghost that i fell in love with?
I was filled with so many questions and anger, so i started to date, fling, or even hook up to some random girls that i met just to forget you." He said with tears on his eye. It was dropping one by one. Sophia didn't talk. She just looked at him, bawling his tears out. She was now regretting every action that she had made over the past few years.

"So you are my cousins ex-boyfriend?"
jake said to confirm his thoughts that were currently running up in his mind.

Kira also had the feeling of what if sandro was the son of her brother. Sophia raised sandro alone. As to what everyone of here knows. Yet she didn't even mention the name of sandro's dad yet, even just for once. So there's a big possibility. Dots and timelines were also connecting. His brother wasn't a playboy jerk before. As to what her younger brother tells and reports her through the phone when they were still living abroad. Thus, she always noticed that sandro has big similarities and facial features on her oldest brother.

So is it really him? Is he really the father?

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