The light made its way to the gate and easily popped through.

Longingly, you watched as it transformed and was given a shell.

The other lights were still playing, not having noticed the new presence yet.

Time passed and every time your favourite light left for the in-between, you hoped he would find the new light.

They soon started to draw closer to each other and finally found their new addition. You glowed when they were finally reunited.

It was not long now. Not long at all before you would be able to join them.

But it would be difficult. Not at all as easy as the last light who had simply gone through the gate. You could not pass through the gate even though you were like them. But not exactly like them.

Your trial would be much harder. And then you'd still have to find them...

You knew they needed you. Yes, they had remembered their tasks but they had also forgotten. You had chosen them. They belonged to you. They needed your guidance.

But for them to receive it, you needed to pass your own trails first.

You gave them a little more time, the eight of them together. You didn't want to join them too quickly after their completion.

Time passed until you knew it was the time.

You had to go.

You would lose everything.

All of it.

There would be no return for you, unlike for them.

You would be held hostage by the shell forever.

But it would be worth it.

It was your duty

Your destiny

Your desire.

Forever would be easy with them.

You waited for the right moment.

Your favourite light was in between.

You wished for him to find you first as he might be able to understand. Although the chance was slim.

The other lights were dispersed.

The newest light was wandering in a desolate area.

It was large enough. Silent and beautiful.

It would be safe.

You braced yourself.

It was time.

You got torn from whatever you were. Everything you had ever known or experienced was slowly getting pulled from you. A new experience entered you and it was excruciating. You knew it had been coming but it was even worse than you had anticipated.

Slowly, a shell was developing and the pain that it carried was undeniable.

You desperately clung to the last memory of your former existence before this too was pulled from you.

Then it was just terrible pain.

Time passed and the pain lessened.

It was cold.

Darkness surrounded you.


But then...

Stray Gods (SLOW UPDATES BUT NOT ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now